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HLS 615 Written 4

Essay Instructions:
Define, evaluate, and compare cyber terrorism and terrorism. Describe a recent domestic or international attack for each, or explain how a cyber or bio-terrorism attack on transportation systems could occur.
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Terrorism Name: Institution: Cause: Date: Terrorism Watching the news in the recent years, one is always assured that there will be some element of terrorism or terror groups mentioned in the main highlight or even in the breaking news. People have become accustomed to the news and are generally more vigilant in making sure that they point out anything that they spot out of the ordinary. This is a rather adaptive mechanisms among most of the people and tends flow with the fact, due to the numerous times that people have been terrorized in the society, they are forming adaptive/protective mechanisms. In the US alone, there have been 13 terror attacks since the 911 attacks (Zalman, 2016). Compared to the United States, Europe has experienced a lot more terrorist acts. Thousands of human lives have been lost to terrorism and billions of dollars have been destroyed in the wake of terrorism over the years. Persons that perpetrate terror among the people always have an agenda that they are driving whether political, social, religious or otherwise (Grothaus, 2016). To make sure that their views are given the attention they want, they cause panic in the society. The idea of terrorism is also bordered on that of freedom fighting. Most of the people that are fighting for a terrorist cause always feel and believe that they are freedom fighters. It is also common that those that support such acts also believe that these are freedom fighters (Roberts, 2016). For the victims and persons that are being attacked, these are persons that view the perpetrators are terrorists. The general idea involves the use of violence or even the idea using threats of violence to propagate the ideology behind the efforts. Terrorism after the 9/11 has come of age, especially with the element of using suicide and mass murder to bring to fruition objectives (Roberts, 2016). Terrorism is a phrase that can be traced back to the French revolution. The government at the time was responsible for using violence to make sure that the citizens did not air their views and that the revolution efforts died early enough during the campaign. In the wake of metamorphism that terrorism has had, there is a new brand or in this case approach that terrorists are able to inflict fear to the masses. Cyber terrorism one of the most common forms of terror that have come up in the last few decades (Meng, 2002). By using computer networks across a certain jurisdiction, the terrorists are able to bring about fear to the masses. The US Federal Bureau of Investigation, indicates that cyber terrorism is an act that is premeditated and politically motivate that is against the information and computer systems, along with data and computer programs with the aim of bringing violence to noncombatant targets by clandestine agents (Meng, 2002). A cyber-attack, when compared to terrorism can also lead to physical violence and some of the cases the attacks are designed in such a way they lead to massive financial harm (Kirk, 2016). In most of the cases, the cyber-attacks are designed to deny certain people in the society the right to use specific services that they have taken control over (Meng, 2002). As such, cyber-attacks is commonly associated with hacking of the computer systems in question. It is common practice that is used to attack power plants, transportation systems, water systems military installations and the banking industry among other systems that are vital to the society and are run on a very wide scale and on a network (Meng, 2002). Cyber-attacks have been on the rise in the recent past, as attackers hack into public utility systems and deprive thousands and sometimes millions of people the basics. In some of the cases, the attacks are directed at causing massive financial clampdown however, in some of the cases they are designed to cause physical damage along with death (Rice, 2016). The Air traffic control computer system is one of the most sensitive systems that can be attacked and cause massive l...
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