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2 pages/≈550 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
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HLS 501 Written 5

Essay Instructions:
Visit the National Hurricane Center Web site at: National Hurricane Center Web Site (http://www(dot)nhc(dot)noaa(dot)gov/) Find and submit the answers to the following questions (Note: the “Frequent Questions” and “Most Extreme” sections will be especially helpful): List the ten (10) hurricanes that have caused the most deaths in the United States since 1900. Provide the estimated death toll for each. Make sure you include only hurricanes since 1900. List the top ten (10) hurricanes that have been the most costly in the U.S. between 1900 and 2010. Provide the name of the storm, states affected, year of the storm, and dollar amounts for each. During a hurricane, what is the proper arrangement (open or closed) of the windows and doors on the storm side? on the lee side? Explain your answers. In the southern Atlantic Ocean, hurricanes are almost non-existent. What reasons can you find for this? Why do hurricanes hit the east coast of the U.S. but not the west coast? Has a hurricane ever hit the west coast of the United States? If so, where, and when what are the implications of this considering the earth appears to be undergoing a warming cycle? What are the chances (probability) that New Orleans will receive a direct hit from a hurricane or tropical storm in any given year? Which part of the United States has the highest probability of direct hit from a hurricane or tropical storm in any given year?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Hurricanes Name: Institution: Course: Date: Hurricanes can be quite devastating and the United States has experienced quite a number of them since 1900. Some of the most devastating hurricanes have taken place before the 1950, which relative to the fact that at the time, the forecasters hadn't really grasped the element of dangers that can come with storms and flooding. Some of the most deadly hurricanes in the history of the United States since 1900 are as follows. * Galveston Hurricane took place in the year 1900 and killed an estimated 8000 people. * San Felipe Okeechobee hurricane which took place in 1928 and resulted to more than 2500 deaths. * Katrina took place in the year 2005 and caused an estimated 1200 deaths (Blake, Landsea, & Gibney, 2016). * Hurricane Audrey took place in the year 1957 and caused 416 deaths. * The Florida Keys hurricane took place in the year 1935 and caused more than 408 deaths. * The Florida Miami in 1926 lead to the death of 372. * The Grand Isle took place in the year 1909 and caused 350 deaths. * The Florida Keys and Southern Texas in 1919 took away 287 lives. * New Orleans hurricane took place in the year 1915 lead to the death of 275 people. * The Galveston in Texas which took place in the year 1915 took away 275 lives (Blake, Landsea, & Gibney, 2016). * The New England hurricane took place in the year 1938 and caused 256 deaths. The most devastating hurricanes in the United States since 1900 to 2010 in terms of cost include the following; * Hurricane Katrina has been expensive at the cost of more than $105 billion having taken place in Louisiana, Mississipi, Alabama, Georgia and Florida in 2005. * Hurricane Ike led to more than $29 billion in costs having affected Texas and Los Angeles in 2008. * Hurricane Andrew which affected Florida and Los Angeles cost more than $26 billion in the year 1992...
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