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International Political Economy - Middle Eastern and North African Countries

Essay Instructions:

instructions are these from the professor: 1.Your answers should NOT exceed one page for each question.

2. You should submit your answers in PDF format as a single file.

3. Everything you write in the exam must be in your own words.

4. In case of copying from other resources, NO valid grade will be given. If quotation is inevitable, please use quotation marks as you need.

Answer the following questions

I. Why was the MENA (Middle Eastern and North African countries) unable to compete with Europe? Explain your answer by considering discussions and examples from the powerpoint slide page 84 and book page 350. ( 1 page)

II. Which one of the three IPE approaches (neo-mercantilism, neo-liberalism, neo-imperialism/structuralism) best accounts for the relationship of the USA to China when it comes to China’s MFN status granted by the Clinton Administration in 1994, and which one best accounts for the last attitudes of Trump Administration on escalating trade war with China, (i.e. Huawei case, TikTok)? Explain your answer by considering discussions and examples in the book and powerpoint too. Will give more information if i find. (1 page)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Answer the following questions
Why was the MENA (Middle Eastern and North African countries) unable to compete with Europe? Explain your answer by considering discussions and examples in the online lectures. (50 points).
There is lack of .lack of separation and religious and state in MENA (Middle Eastern and North African countries), which is one reason for weak institutional powers and effectiveness. Majority of the people in MENA) are Sunni Muslims, with exception of Israel with a Jewish majority, while are have Iran, Iraq, and Bahrain have s Shi’ite majorities (Balaam & Dillman, 2016)
MENA mostly encompasses the Arabic speaking countries in the region, but also Iran, Israel, Turkey and the Palestinian Territories (Balaam & Dillman, 2016). Europe was more open to free trade and international markets, which improved the region’s competitive capacity where there were diverse exports.
There is cultural immobilism and poorly diversified economies in the MENA region .While there are diversified exporters like Israel, Turkey, Tunisia, Israel, Jordan and Lebanon, the economies of the MENA region are heavily dependent on oil or agriculture (Balaam & Dillman, 2016). There are different levels of development with the oil producing countries Gulf Cooperation Council and Libya having high per capita incomes, while Syria, Yemen have low per capita incomes and high rural poverty levels (Balaam & Dillman, 2016).The lack of economic diversification makes these economies uncompetitive, and this is further worsened by high poverty rates and inequality unlike Europe where productive and institutional competition led to pro-growth policies.
The lack of political freedom and stability weakens competitiveness investments in the region. Furthermore, twentieth-century colonialism exploited the regions with European influence still having a lingering influence in domestic affairs in the post-independence era (Balaam & Dillman, 2016). Freedom House only ranks Israel as the only “free” country in terms of political freedom a few are partially free, but the regional countries are associated with political repression...
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