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Exemplification of a Misrepresented or Under-Represented Community

Essay Instructions:

So far, we have read a few articles about various misconceptions. The authors of these articles reveal aspects of a communal identity that are misrepresented or underrepresented in life or by the media. Due to the under-representation and mis-representation, stereotypes and prejudices have been formed against these communities.

For this assignment, you will write an essay about one aspect of a community that you think is misrepresented or underrepresented in life or by the media. This community can be your own or someone else’s, but it should be one that you care deeply about. You should use examples to illustrate how this aspect of the community is misrepresented or underrepresented.

Here are some suggestions:

Your local community – including, but not limited to, your neighborhood, town, or city.

Your wider community – including, but not limited to, your state, your country, your ethnicity, your race, your religious organization, sexual orientation or your gender.

Your interest-based community – including, but not limited to, sports teams, musical groups, your online social networks, your forums or other hobby groups.

Your essay should fulfill the following requirements:

1. It should have an introduction, at least three body paragraphs and a conclusion.

In the beginning of your essay, employ a hook. Present the thesis statement at the end of your introduction. Use topic sentences and specific examples from your personal experiences or observations to support your thesis in the body paragraphs. End the essay with a conclusion that reiterate your main point.

2. When you give examples, use some of the rhetorical techniques (logos, pathos, ethos, style and tone) you have learned to make your examples vivid, specific and effective.

3. Think carefully about how to organize your body paragraphs. Choose an organizing principle that works best for your essay.

4. The essay should be 4 pages long, double-spaced. Use Times New Roman font, size 12. The essay should be submitted in a Word document on Blackboard.

5. Pay special attention to grammar, especially sentence clarity and variety.

6. In this assignment, you are not required to cite outside sources. If you do use outside sources, however, make sure to cite it properly.

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Misrepresentation or underrepresentation of certain communities in life or by the media has become a common cause of stereotyping and prejudices. Such prejudices and stereotypes pose a huge challenge in the people in such communities while they carry out their daily activities. They also find it challenging to maneuver the school and work environment. An example of such a community is Africans living in Africa and the US. Stereotypes of Africans traces back to the slavery era and is an issue that has not ended due to the misrepresentation of the community by life and media. The misrepresentation and underrepresentation of Africans and African Americans by life and media has resulted in stereotyping such as poverty, theft, and drug dealing.
The underrepresentation of Africans in life and by media groups has created a notion that Africa is one of the world's poorest continents. Such is indicated by the various news aired in different parts of the world. The news focus on the parts of Africa that have been struck by hunger and drought. In most cases, such images are disturbing since they show pictures of children suffering from malnutrition. Whenever most people hear about Africa, the first thing that comes to their mind is that it is a poor continent with no infrastructure, and the people need donations to survive. The news presented by the media regarding African has played a major role in creating such mindsets. The truth is that Africa is not as poor as shown in the news. The continent has some of the most developed cities, infrastructure, and growing economies. However, it is rare for the media to present these facts in their news (Nothias, 2018). For instance, East Africa has some of the world's best tourist destinations characterized by warm weather, clean beaches, and wild animals. Mombasa, a coastal town of Kenya has clean beaches and restaurants that one can visit. If such information were being aired in the news, many people would have different perspectives regarding Africans.
Another misrepresentation by life and the media has resulted in Africans living in the United States of America being stereotyped as thieves. When an African American walk into a store, the owner would be keen to ensure that they do not steal a thing. Such does not happen in the case of people from other ethnic origins. It is thus an indication that African Americans are considered to be thieves even if they are not. Another example is a case where an African American is frisked or suspected to have stolen. Such happens regardless of whether he or she was in the company of white people. Cases have been reported where a black person is arrested for a suspected theft case, yet the white friends walk free. A substantial number of theft shoot outs involve blacks who were shot before proving their innocence in a court of law. Approximately 1000 blacks get shot per year (Alang et. al., 2017). The US's police brutality against black Americans is a clear indication of Americans' stereotyping regarding black people.
Life has put the African race in one category of being thieves, which is not true. There are thieves worldwide, which means that any person can become a thief regardless of their ethnicity. Therefore, it is a misrepresentation to claim that African Americans are thieves. Most of these people have well-paying jobs and therefore, do not need to steal for survival. The stereotyping has also made it a challenge for Africans to secure jobs in the US. Employers are afraid that they might hire someone who will end up stealing from them (Oliveira & Cabral-Cardoso, 2017). Blacks are left with the challenging task of proving their innocence to stereotypes that have been built by society.
Additionally, misrepresentation by life and media has created stereotypes that Africans are drug dealers. The stereotype is witnessed in the police department due to the shootings and arresting of African American youth as drug dealing suspects. Another example is the entertainment industry, which claims that African Americans tend to abuse drugs more than any other ethnicities (Alang et. al., 2017). Such a misrepresentation by the media has made it challenging for blacks to grow their careers because society is watching them fall into drug abuse. The truth is that every person in the entertainment industry is at the risk of becoming a drug...
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