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Internal and External Factors Affecting the Turkish Government

Essay Instructions:

Introductory Paragraph - Introduce your country and its ranking on the list of Low Income countries and the main issues/challenges specific to the country. (EX. Bangladesh is a low lying country and sees frequent flooding, Ghana grows cacao but gets a sliver of share from the multi billion $ chocolate industry)
Body of the Paper: Review the country through the lens of the development issues taken up in this course (population growth, health issues, migration, gender disparity, environment, social economic, and political factors) Using relevant theories from class, explain how and why the selected causes may be contributing to the identified problem, then use empirical evidence to assess which of the causes are most important. and assess the country’s position through different indexes (Poverty Index, Happiness Index, Freedom Index, Big Mac Index etc.)
(Share a development anecdote about your country. UNDP/UN’s Twitter feed is a good place to start with. Place the anecdote in a box. (e.g. refer to Katie Willis’s text Theories and Practices of Development. Social capital and hazard vulnerability in Santo Domingo, p. 125 Young people as carers in Zimbabwe p. 157, Older people and poverty in South Africa p. 160,) and where possible share a picture, video link. See link below for anecdotes and videos.https://www(dot)gatesnotes(dot)com/Development/Life-on-less-than-2-dollars-a-day (Links to an external site.)) DO NOT USE THESE ANECDOTES OR THESE VIDEOS.)
Analyze the country by answering the following prompts about the country. (Use paragraphs and do not number.)
1. Is the dependency concept of “underdevelopment” still relevant given the rapid rise of the Asian economies during the 1980s-90’s?
2. Based on the post-colonial concept of the “Other,” who might be the Other in today’s development debates?
3. Many developing countries adopted neo-liberal reforms during the 1970-1990s. Did your country adopt such reforms? Did that help in the development of the country?
4. How important is it to increase Gross Domestic Product in order to stimulate development?
5. Is another Green Revolution needed to address hunger in the developing world?
6. Nearly 700 million people are living below the line of poverty, existing on less than $ 1.90 a day (https://blogs(dot)worldbank(dot)org/opendata/updated-estimates-impact-covid-19-global-poverty
- number likely to increase post COVID-19). 2.5 billion people live in middle-income countries like China, India, Indonesia and Nigeria. Should international organizations (UNDP etc) focus their attention on these places instead of the poorest-countries? Why or why not?
In your concluding paragraph, discuss which of the issues discussed above impacts your country the most? (Is climate change the most pressing environmental problem facing your country or is it rising population or is it health issues/high mortality rate?) Finally, recommend action by a domestic or foreign actor (country, organization) that could address the problem.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Internal and External Factors Affecting the Turkish Government
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Internal and External Factors Affecting the Turkish Government
Over the previous couple of years, Turkey has made considerable progress in enhancing the living standards of its citizens. Notwithstanding this, Turkey exceeds most countries in the Better Life Index, only a few happiness categories. Turkey has a greater rate of civic participation than the rest of the globe. In income growth, healthcare, socialization, education and training, employment and wages, psychological well-being, quality environment, labor balance, shelter, and security, it is poor on the national average.
Turkey has one of the most comprehensive social protection systems in the world. Today's social insurance system covers a considerable portion of the population (as immediate beneficiaries or close relatives) in relation to current transfers. It pays for pensions, health care, disability, maternity leave, and occupational damage (Öktem, 2018). The government also subsidizes agriculture. However, it is unclear if these payments benefit the poor. Most notably, the government funds and administers a comprehensive system of compulsory elementary education for five years, which has subsequently been raised to eight years. The paper looks at some of the significant improvements, the drawback in Turkey, and the strategies it can take to better the lives of the citizens.
In terms of economic, there are job possibilities for the Turkish population, satisfaction of -at least- fundamental needs, and a positive rate of state distribution of wealth and redistribution. In terms of a political context, this concept stresses the validity of government systems not only in terms of the law but mostly in terms of sharing social benefits to the majority of the people. There dependency level in Turkey of underdevelopment is still relevant with the increase of the Asian economies during the 1980s-90s as the needs to be a balance between the two social classes. Turkey is an upper-middle-income country with an estimated population of 82.89 million and a GDP per capita of US$9,127 in 2019. The rural population accounts for 24.8% of the total and is expected to fall further by 2018. According to the Turkish Statistical Institute data, the proportion of people living below the national poverty level fell from 23.8 percent to 21.2 percent between 2010 and 2018 (Albayrak, 2020).
The World Bank projected that the poverty threshold was 9.2 percent in 2018 at $5.50 per day and that poverty levels had been steadily declining. However, poverty persists in some areas, notably in the uplands. In accordance with my, there is no green light required to address the situation. This is because the Green Revolution's primary emphasis on boosting output could indeed not reduce hunger since it does not change the strongly concentrated flow of financial power, particularly accessibility to land and purchasing power.
Turkey is a youthful country with most of its population constitutes of young people. 64 % in rural regions are under 50, and a shortage of rural jobs adds to out-migration. Agriculture employment has declined from 23% to 18.33% during the last ten years. Turkey profited from the entrepreneurship enabled by trade and finance system reform in 1980 through the neo-liberal reforms, but its growth was hampered by fiscal policy uncertainty and inflation. Because of the economic crisis, the national unemployment rate increased to nearly 13% in 2019 and 2020, up from 10% in 2018 but slightly fell in 2021 due to the impacts of covid-19 across the world. According to the Finance Office, Turkey's agricultural and food business employs about 20% of the nation's working population and accounts for 5.8% of the nation's GDP in 2018. In 2018, the monetary contribution of the industry to the total GDP amounted to $42.5 billion. Even though the agricultural sector's share of the Turkish economy is progressively decreasing (Doğan, 2018), it would be much of concern to increase the country's GDP to improve agriculture and industrial growth, which are critical to rural desertification jobs creation, exports, and mass production. Turkey serves as a regional center for producing food, processing, and exporting to major European and Middle Eastern markets. This provides the industry with a great deal of promise. Still, it will take money to assist farmers in upgrading their production practices, increasing output, and improving their adaptive capacity in climatic change.
The fight for gender equality in Turkey seems to have a long history. Whereas the experiences of Ottoman women in the nineteenth Century are noteworthy, the Republican Reforms were the essential foundations of this history (Maraucci, 2018). These changes, which took place in the 1920s and 1930s, used the emblem of 'modern women' to depict the socially opposing forces in Turkish society, which were traditional-religious vs. modern-Westernized. Against this backdrop, national gender equality programs were seen as a part of "modernization" or "cultural reform" initiatives rather than an essential component of economic development and progress. Turkey's modernizing phase has been regarded as a family-centered community that has been at odds with women's freedom and human rights in certain instances.
This was a form of 'modern family' design, stressing the importance of the woman as wife and mother. Women's engagement in social and political life without regard for their home obligations has been regarded as harmful to family life due to this heritage. As a result, creating an enabling atmosphere that promotes equal status among both genders in the marriage is among the primary pre-conditions to equal rights. As a result of this prioritization of women's family-centered activities, it is mainly charitable work that is desirable for Turkish women to be involved in social patterns. This social but not 'economic' or 'political' position has resulted in a chronic shortage of women's power in the labor force and policy decision-making.
(Refer to Baysoy text on The Development Saga of Turkey from the 19th to the 21st century: a Prelude or a Requiem for a Dream p, 132 https://turkey.un.org/en/stories)

Development has also been viewed as a lib...
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