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1 pages/≈275 words
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INSW 200: Required Reading February 27th - March 5th

Essay Instructions:

Students will be expected to submit a half-page synopsis on the weekly required readings. Students will be expected to hand the assignment on the corresponding week, no submission for a previous week will be accepted.
Within a page, you can commit on what you liked about it, didn't like, what it lacked, what could be improved and any other thoughts you think would be relevant. Also provide a brief summary of the article as well.
You submit your weekly contributions in the Blog Section of the Assignments

Essay Sample Content Preview:

INSW 200 - Required Reading
Course Title:
INSW 200 - Required Reading
The article by Sinclair and Albert (2009) focuses on the concern regarding the Canadian Schools of Social Work’s anti-oppressive stance and questions whether such stance is meaningful or illusory. Based on the experience of a social work graduate student, the authors acknowledge that anti-racist and anti-oppressive awareness among social work students is not translated into practice since it largely remains in the theoretical realm. Specifically, I concur with the authors’ argument that oppression and racism have two faces: subtle manifestation through beliefs and attitudes, and overt actions. The story of the graduate student regarding his experience while teaching a social class reveals subtle manifestation of discrimination and oppression. This is because such student was discriminated based on his skin color through complaints from students regarding the marking of their exams while his colleague who was white did not receive similar complaints. As it turned out, both the professor and the narrator’s co-TA demonstrated oppression and racism, though the latter’s actions were more overt. I agree with the narrator’s argument that we have a moral and social obligation to combat racism and oppression by challenging oppressor while supporting victims of oppression (Sinclair & Albert, 2009). The authors then provide various definitions of oppression and racism from the imperialist discourse. Additionally, it they also provide a description between the theoretical links between western ideological hegemony and imperialist discourse. In particular, agree with the authors argument that the ongoing culture of...
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