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Initiating Family Intervention: Heroin Addiction

Essay Instructions:

This assignment relates to EPAS 2, 3. 6b, 7b, 8b, and 9b and aligns to the Knowledge, Skills, and Cognitive/Affective Processes dimensions. Based on your knowledge of the client situation you addressed in the above individual case assessment paper, develop a family-related paper that includes the following.

Paper is to be typed double spaced, five to eight pages in APA 7  edition format.

You are expected to integrate in-text citations in APA format of at least three (3) recent scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles in writing this paper.

1. Synopsis of the presenting problem(s) of the individual client and how it impacts their family. Family is broadly defined as family-of-origin/biological, fosterfamily, kinship family, family-of-choice, etc., and can include a partner orspouse. If you do not see a family/couple at your agency, you can write aboutthe family of an individual client you are seeing.

2. Discuss the client’s family using a three-generation genogram (attach to paper). Add a culturagram if relevant (attach to paper). Include information about familymembers’ characteristics such as age, gender identity, relationship andproximity to individual client; relational characteristics such as degree ofcloseness, dependence/interdependence, communication patterns, etc.

3. Discussthe potential value which family treatment or family interventions might haveon helping the individual client with his/her presenting problem(s).

4. Discussyour knowledge of, skill in using, and practice experience related to familytherapy, family interventions, or family treatment. Discuss strategies you planto take to develop this knowledge and set of skills.

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Initiating Family Intervention Paper

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Synopsis of Presenting Problems

Joe's significant presenting problem is extreme heroin addiction to the extent that he cannot do anything meaningful with his life. He was referred to this residential drug treatment facility for a courtroom-mandated sentence due to his numerous instances of substance abuse. Addiction struggles have taken a destructive toll on him because he has been arrested severally and cannot be involved in employment for an extended period. According to his confessions, this addiction was a coping mechanism for his emotional pain that stems from a traumatic family history that had many instances of domestic violence, neglect, and unstable family relationships.

The impact of Joe's heroin use on family dynamics is evident. Maria initially assumed that Joe's unusual behavior was merely a phase that would pass with time. They had a lot of tension and misunderstandings because she had not accepted that her brother was dealing with addiction. His constant battles with legal systems on substance abuse put more stress on his family, and they had to support him in those legal entanglements. This lack of awareness strained the emotional connection between Joe, Maria, and those around them, affecting their overall interactions. Another visible problem was his short-lived intimate relationships because he had no time to organize his social life. At age 35, society expects a man to be married or in a serious relationship. Joe's case is different because instability in his personal life creates ripple effects that cannot allow him to settle down with a partner. Moreover, Joe constantly has financial issues and cannot afford a house. Joe cannot sustain a steady income through employment or business ventures, which has placed considerable strain on his family's financial resources. His profound heroin addiction not only affects Joe personally but also has far-reaching consequences on the dynamics within his family, impacting their emotional well-being and practical aspects of daily life.

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