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Self-Assessment on Diversity, Oppression, and Change

Essay Instructions:

This assignment meets EPAS 1, 2, 3, and 9 and aligns with knowledge, values, cognitive and affective processes dimensions. This paper represents a summative assessment of what you learned over the course of the semester regarding oppression, discrimination, and prejudice; cultural humility; social, racial, economic, and environmental justice; anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion in practice. Consider whether and how your thinking may have changed in terms of questioning received assumptions, your cultural beliefs and biases, and your self-awareness. Consider the concept of cultural humility as it applies to various socio-cultural-political-spiritual contexts. What have you learned about yourself? Conclude with a few sentences about your experience of the course itself: content, readings, assignments, etc. This will help us improve the course the next time it is taught. Formatting: No cover page, name on the first page; write in first person; double-spaced. 

Due to my lifestyle change, I feel like I came into this class with minimal bias, and changed beliefs and through my 7-year journey of recovery, I am very self-aware of myself and my behaviors. This course has only strengthened and confirmed to me that I am going to make an amazing social worker.

I really enjoyed the whole course and learned so much, the theory assignment ( Constructivism and Postmodernism) and applying them to my pressed group Native Americans, was my favorite. I feel like I learned the most through this assignment. I enjoyed interviewing my Cuban brother in law and joining the church (catholic church) in a different cultural belief. ultimately this was one of my favorite courses.

Please take this information and include it in the paper you write.

I will add some of the lesson material so you have some things to go off of.

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Self-Assessment Paper

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Self-Assessment Paper

Even though I have read many courses in the past, this course has remained one of the most outstanding courses in a long time. I enjoyed reading this course because it addressed most people's cultural beliefs, assuming that they are right despite being wrong. This process has helped to change most of the people's perspectives. For example, this course has helped to boost my perception regarding cultural beliefs and biases that I have been having. For example, before taking this course, I had a cultural belief assumption that it was right for people to be discriminated against based on their race. One of the reasons that prompted this belief was that I viewed some races as more powerful than others. This assumption, therefore, made me believe that some of the cultural practices were stronger than others.

Moreover, it made me fail to oppose the discrimination that was based on cultural and religious diversity. However, after reading this course, I understood that no culture is superior to the other. I have been more vocal in highlighting the cultural discrimination that has been happening in society. This process has helped boost inclusivity in society through people being tolerant of each other 

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