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Infiltrating and Studying Terrorist Groups

Essay Instructions:

Heres the Assignment given:

Part 1 - Exercise: Identify another deviant group that would present research challenges similar to the study of the world of drug dealing and smuggling that Patricia Adler talks about in her chapter. Make a point by point comparison of the stages and roles field research into such additional settings would entail (ex: getting in, the covert role, developing trust, the overt role, cross-checking, and problems and issues). A simple explanation – two to three sentences – of each stage is fine. This section should be no more than one double-spaced page.

Part 2 – Link it up: You will be responsible for finding a conceptual link from your identified group (above) to a real life example. For example, let’s say you’re interested in doing research on far-right or another extremist group (Think Hunter S. Thompson!), find an example and provide a brief review of it. Examples can go beyond peer reviewed journal articles for this exercise, and can even include alternative media sources such as documentaries, movies, and other media - but please stay away from simple news stories. Like with the last exercise, this portion should be written in “brief” format. It must contain the following sections: 1) the source (cite the source using APA style – to the best of your ability if you’re using an alternate source); 2) what the main question(s)/point(s) is/are – and how it relates to your topic (a paragraph or two); 3) a brief description of the research methodology, if any (e.g. interviews or observations, the who, what, when, where, etc.; three to four sentences will likely do here) if there is no observable methodology, you’ll have to add a bit on to the previous section; and, 4) an overview of the findings and/or conclusions (probably a couple paragraphs). This part of your assignment should be no less than a page and a half and no more than two pages, double spaced.

Part 3 - Reflection: This is your opportunity to reflect and share your thoughts and opinions on your chosen topic. There is no right or wrong answer here - I would just like to provide you the opportunity to share any insight, thoughts, opinions, and questions, you might have. This section should be between three-quarters and one-page in length.

In all, the written portion of this assignment, which you will upload here, should be no less than three to no more than four pages in length, double spaced. Please use 12pt Times New Roman font and standard 1" margins. Please note: efforts to make more look less or less look more will negatively impact your grade.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Infiltrating and Studying Terrorist Groups
Part 1 – Terrorist Groups
Researching terrorist groups such as the Taliban, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Al-Shabaab and Boko Haram presents similar challenges to the drug dealing and smuggling cartels by Patricia Adler. With radicalization, the terror groups have expanded. Researchers are interested in how the groups can recruit and radicalize many followers worldwide.
Getting in - Getting into terror cells is difficult as they operate anonymously and under the radar. Anonymity is of the utmost importance. The most common way of getting into the Islamic State is to take the role of a radicalized member and go through the training to being one of them.
The covert role – The covert role requires the researcher’s careful anonymity during the training and carrying out of the terror acts. Observing and taking part in the terror activities such as kidnapping and beheading of foreigners is difficult.
Developing trust – Developing trust requires pretending to be a firm believer in the cause. One must get out of their way to prove their loyalty to the leader and in most cases requires hurting other people.
Overt role – The overt role may be risky with the members always being suspicious of the researcher’s functions in the group. However, one may present themselves as a believer in the cause as well as a person who seeks to present the rationale of the terror group to the world.
Cross-checking – Triangulation, and cross-checking are difficult within terror groups. However, the understanding that the core goals of the group may be based on randomized attacks may help. Moreover, there may be conflicting beliefs within the same terror groups such as in the case of ISIS versus ISIL and The Taliban versus AL Qaeda and Al-Shabaab.
Problems and issues – The problem and issue are being at risk of death and carrying out immoral and hurtful activities.
Part 2 – Link It Up
In Nasir Omar’s (2007) book Inside the jihad: My life with al Qaeda he presents a chilling account of his time within the Al-Qaeda. He presents murders, meetings, kidnappings, and bombings he experienced and took part in. He took a covert role from recruitment to getting close to Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahri. From Europe's expanding psychological oppressor underground, to the instructional courses of Afghanistan, to the extreme mosques of London, this is a novel insider's account of the asc...
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