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Incident and Liability Report and Employer’s Liability

Essay Instructions:

Assignment #1:

There are two options for Assignment One
Option A: Incident and Liability Report

You work for a national firm. The company is holding a meeting in your city and employees from other provinces are attending. While crossing the street after the meeting, three of the firm’s employees were hit by a passing car as they crossed legally in a marked and well-lit crosswalk. The employees were all seriously injured and rushed to the local hospital. In the investigation that followed, the car was located but had been reported stolen the day before and the driver at the time could not be located. Surveillance video from the hotel shows the three were walking single file in a marked crosswalk when they were struck broadside at thigh level by a truck with tinted windows and an open truck bed filled with grass clippings. Two of the employees were thrown over the cab into the truck bed while the third was knocked to the curb, landing on the piles of magazines of a street-vendor’s newsstand. Each suffered a broken right femur, various bruises and contusions. One victim lost a hearing aide. The employees were from Nova Scotia, Ontario and Alberta. The employer and the workers’ compensation authorities in each province agree that the workers were in the course of their employment and the employees elect to file claims for workers’ compensation. Each is expected to be off work for six weeks but not expected to have any permanent impairment as a result of the injury. All three work in the same occupation but in their respective provinces. Their earnings are identical at $65,000 gross per year.

Your employer has asked you for a report on the incident. In a report (approximately 1000 words), summarize the incident and employer liability under workers compensation.
a) For each employee, determine what workers’ compensation they will receive if off work for six weeks.
b) Assuming the workers are cleared for modified duties at full salary and are able to get to and from work while in a cast, calculate the workers’ compensation that will be paid if away for four weeks?
c) Describe how the loss of the hearing aide would be treated. If here is a specific policy that applies, summarize the policy and cite the source.
d) Recommend any other services or assistance each employee should get.

If you make any assumptions, state them in your report.

Option B: Tracy and Conrad Case Study

Tracy received an invitation to a team meeting to discuss Conrad’s potential return to work. The invitation arrived in her email on Friday afternoon from the director of the pain clinic where Conrad had spent the last six weeks. The email reads as follows:

Tracy (RTW Coordinator – SimCircuits)
I understand from Clark’s “out of office” message that you are managing his cases while he is away on paternity leave. Clark had agreed to be involved in a team meeting to discuss Conrad’s progress in the Chronic Pain program. The team is meeting on Monday morning. I will be chairing the meeting and hope you will be able to join us. I’ve copied the other team members so they know you will be attending in Clark’s place.



Cc: Team Members
Allan (Psy.D. Psych)
Dima (VRC, MSW)
David (D.C.)
Fred (APP**)
Mary (PT)

Tracy pulled Clark’s case notes on Conrad and learned that Conrad had suffered a back injury on the job about a year ago. To complicate matters, he had a heart condition and there was some evidence that he was becoming addicted to pain medication. The back pain was severe and there was no way he could go back to the shipping/receiving job he held at the plant. There was a signed consent form on the file from Conrad allowing Clark (or his designated replacement, if Clark was unavailable) to discuss his case with his physicians, treating professionals, insurers and authorized representatives of the workers’ compensation authority.

Tracy had little time to prepare. Her first task was to figure out who the members of the team were and what questions she might have for them.

Prepare a “Case Summary and Questions” document for Tracy to take to the meeting (~1000 words).
Summarize Conrad’s case. Make and state any assumptions that may be relevant (including age, family situation, earnings, current compensation rate, who is paying for current treatment). One page single-spaced maximum.
Prepare a “Team Member Profile”, that: a) Identifies the full professional designations associated with the team members invited to the team meeting and the role each likely has in Conrad’s treatment. b) Formulates two questions Tracy may wish to ask each of any four team members regarding Conrad’s treatment, progress, prognosis or other issue related to his recovery and/or return to work planning. For each question, provide a rationale (reason related to your role) for the question.
** This individual is a Clinical Pharmacist appropriately licensed in your province. Use the appropriate title or designation in your jurisdiction in your response.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Incident and Liability Report and Employer’s Liability
Student’s Name
Incident and Liability Report and Employer’s Liability
There was an incident involving three employees in our company. They were hit by a truck on a well-lit crosswalk on their way to a meeting. Each employee suffered a broken right femur, bruises, and contusions. One victim lost his hearing aid. The injuries are temporary, and they are expected to be okay in 6 weeks. The truck was reported stolen the day before, and the driver could not be traced. The employees work at the same job in different provinces with a salary of $65,000 a year. They are all entitled to compensation.
Workers' compensation is a valuable safety net in the event of a work-related injury or illness (Moore, 2021). However, navigating the rules and regulations of workers' compensation in Canada can be a nuisance for employers. The Workers Compensation Act is different in every province. In this case, the employees injured came from Nova Scotia, Alberta, and Ontario. In all three provinces, the employer and workers' authority are in agreement that the employees got injured while in pursuit of errands that are work-related and therefore are entitled to compensation according to the Workers Compensation Act in Canada.
The Workers’ Compensation Act (WCA) is provincial legislation in Canada that provides compensation to workers who get injured when working. The WCA is a crucial component of the Canadian social safety net. The Workers’ Compensation system provides injured workers with medical care, disability benefits, and compensation for lost wages and other costs. The Workers’ Compensation system is often cited as one of the best social safety nets, providing comprehensive compensation to injured workers and keeping them out of the hospital and home. There is maximum and minimum compensation that the employers should get and it varies depending on what province you are from in Canada (Min et al., 2019). The amount of compensation is calculated based on the time that employees would be out of work. In this case, the employees are expected to be back after six weeks so we will calculate their weekly wage. Since the employees earn $65,000 a year, their weekly pay is $1250 each because 1year has 52 weeks. The compensation owed will be calculated based on the law of their respective provinces for 6weeks.
The employees work in different provinces, which have different compensation rates. In t Alberta, workers are entitled to 90% of their yearly wage up to a maximum of $98,700 a year. The minimum compensation is 91-99% of the yearly wage between $26,300 and $29,400. The minimum payment does not apply to our employee who earns $65,000 a year. In Nova Scotia, the compensation board allows compensation up to a maximum of $64,400 yearly wage, and there is no minimum. The employee from Nova Scotia will not be paid $600 because that is the amount above the maximum compensation. In Ontario, the maximum compensation allowed is 100% of up to $102,800 yearly wage, and there is no minimum. That means that the employee in Ontario will get compensation for all his wages for 6weeks. 
Compensation for the Employee in Ontario -...
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