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Effects of Social Media on Mental Health and the Workplace

Essay Instructions:

Assignment #3: Knowledge Translation Plan (5%)

With this assignment, you will develop a knowledge translation plan. This plan will be your roadmap sharing the results of your research with an audience. You will not actually carry out the translation plan, this is more of a strategy you would use to ensure that your results are communicated implemented, which is a historical shortcoming with research. Much great research has been completed, but nobody knows the results exist and as a result, cannot apply it. Use the template provided to complete your plan.

Hi writer, you worked on my other final assignment for my last semester. I am now in the bridging course, which takes this study and puts it into action. I have attached a copy of the final assignment (your work) to this email. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Knowledge Translation Plan
Project: Effects of Social Media on Mental Health and the Workplace
The project explores the effects of social media use on mental health in workplaces. The rise of social media technology revolutionized communication. It has led to globalization, where people share information instantly from different places. Social media usage is popular with the youths and the working class. This project aimed to explore the effects of social media use on mental health and workplace performance. The key terms in the research included social media, mental health, workplace, cause and effects, research, and data analysis.
The project used a multidimensional research approach. It used questionnaires to collect data from 16 participants. 8 were HR personnel, while the rest 8 were managers. The data analysis adopted was quantitative, and it was done using the SPSS software. The results showed that social media use escalates mental illness and leads to poor workplace performance. The project concluded that social media is contagious, yet it cannot be avoided altogether. Most people are trapped in social media use, making them underperform at their workplaces.
Knowledge Translation:
As it applies to my project, knowledge translation is a roadmap that highlights key moments and issues. It explains the idea's conception to its conceptualization and the steps taken to actualize it.
Goals and objectives
The primary goal of the knowledge translation is to guide me when sharing the information from the project with my audience. It is necessary because it summarizes the major points in the project that would be challenging to spot when skimming the project for main points.
Factors Considered
The knowledge gathered targets the current and potential social media users. Therefore, the knowledge translation considered the target audience in its preparation. However, it is challenging to address illiterat...
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