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Impact of Divorce and Separation on Children

Essay Instructions:

This is a family studies assignment.

The Impact of Divorce and Separation on Children

Thesis Statement:

Due to the significant and complicated impacts on children, the subject of divorce and separation in families has received a lot of study in the field of family studies. This research paper examines the various effects of divorce and separation on children' emotional, psychological, and social health , focusing on elements including living arrangements, parental responsibilities, forgiving, and long-term adaptation. We can gain a better understanding of the difficulties that children suffer after a family splits up by looking at the insights and results from this research, as well as methods and interventions to reduce the negative effects and encourage healthier outcomes in different family settings.


Amato, P. R. (2000). The consequences of divorce for adults and children. Journal of Marriage and Family, 62(4), 1269–1287.

Demo, D. H., & Acock, A. C. (1988). The impact of divorce on children. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 50(3), 619. 

Freedman, S., & Knupp, A. (2003). The impact of forgiveness on adolescent adjustment to parental divorce. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 39(1–2), 135–165. 

Gatins, D., Kinlaw, C. R., & Dunlap, L. L. (2014). Impact of postdivorce sibling structure on Adolescent Adjustment to divorce. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 55(3), 239–251. 

Winstok, Z., Sherer, M., & Enosh, G. (2004). The effect of divorce on personal and familial images. Journal of Child Custody, 1(3), 19–35. 

Zilincikova, Z. (2020). Children’s living arrangements after marital and cohabitation dissolution in Europe. Journal of Family Issues, 42(2), 345–373. 



• Introduce the topic of divorce and separation in families

• thesis statement


1. Emotional Impact:

• divorce and separation can negatively affect children's emotional well-being

• studies highlight children's struggles with feelings of sadness, anger, and confusion

• long-term emotional effects and potential challenges faced by children in coping with these emotions

2. Psychological Impact:

• psychological consequences of divorce and separation on children

• studies shed light on issues like decreased self-esteem, increased anxiety, and depression among children

• what are the factors that contribute to these psychological effects, such as disrupted family dynamics and parental conflict?

3. Social Impact:

• social impacts of divorce and separation on children's development

• challenges children may face in maintaining relationships with both parents after separation

• potential impact on peer relationships, school performance, and overall social adjustment


• main points discussed in the body paragraphs

• importance of understanding the complicated impact of divorce and separation on children

• Suggest potential strategies and interventions that can help reduce the negative consequences and promote healthier outcomes for children

please use all references provided and also feel free to add more references if needed.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Impact of Divorce and Separation On Children

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Family is an important component in one life. It is the most important social unit and the starting point of any personal growth, at least in the traditional understanding of it. Things have however changed over the past several decades, and the nuclear family has suffered the most, especially in the form of divorce. When there is a separation or divorce, the parties involved are affected, and the family structure is destroyed. Children are mostly affected in many ways since they cannot be able to handle the divorce and separation tension. Divorce cases are due to many factors, including domestic violence, money issues, and infidelity, among others. Due to the significant and complicated impacts on children, the subject of divorce and separation in families has received a lot of study in the field of family studies. This research paper examines the various effects of divorce and separation on children's emotional, psychological, and social health, focusing on elements including living arrangements, parental responsibilities, forgiveness, and long-term adaptation. We can gain a better understanding of the difficulties that children suffer after a family splits up by looking at the insights and results from this research, as well as methods and interventions to reduce the negative effects and encourage healthier outcomes in different family settings.

Emotional Impact

Parental divorce or separation can exact a substantial emotional toll on children, who commonly grapple with pervasive and potent feelings like grief, fear, sadness, anger, and confusion in response to the dissolution of their family unit (Winstok et al., 2004). The profound sense of loss resulting from the disrupted family system often leads children to experience uncertainty and anxiety about the future. Children also frequently experience escalating bitterness, conflict, and anger between parents during the separation process, causing distressing feelings of being caught in the middle of parental hostility; others consider themselves as a source of divorce, leading to guilt (Demo & Acock, 1988). Constructively processing and coping with this complex cascade of difficult emotions and stresses can remain an ongoing challenge for children in the short and long term.

Additionally, divorce results in some sense of an emotional gap. The child develops an emotional need that doesn’t seem to be satisfied due to the absence of one parent. This can easily drive them to do various things in an effort to fill that gap or emotional need. A child might start engaging in vices such as premarital sex, in an effort to have some emotional attachment to someone. The impacts of premarital sex are well

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