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Impact of the Death Penalty Research Assignment Paper

Essay Instructions:

 Application: Impact of the Death Penalty

Societal transformation reflects in the use of the death penalty in the United States over time. Public attitudes, court decisions, and the social and financial impact of the death penalty are important factors in the history of the use of the death penalty. How these factors influenced the use of the death penalty throughout American history is a critical matter to consider in criminal justice.

For this Application Assignment, You review the Supreme Court decisions presented in the interactive media. You consider the influence Supreme Court decisions had on the evolution of the death penalty. In addition, you think about the financial and social impacts of the death penalty on society.

The assignment (2 pages):

  • Explain how Supreme Court decisions influenced the evolution of the death penalty.
  • Explain the financial impact of the death penalty on society. Include at least one specific cost associated with the death penalty.
  • Explain the social impact of the death penalty on society. Provide examples and use Learning Resources to support your statements.

Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Death Sentence
The death penalty is a hotly contested topic and one that has played pivotal roles in the American society, with reference to the evolution of justice. Part of the revolution that has been experienced in this area is associated with the role that the supreme court has had with reference to their decisions on the various cases (Bomboy, 2014). The U.S. Supreme Court is the final authority on the various justice cases. There have been a number of cases that have been at the center of the revolution, and most of them have shaped the way that capital punishment is handled in the country. Several decades ago, there was the case of Furman versus Georgia in the U.S. Supreme Court, where the penalty was determined to have a violation of the Eighth Amendment, relative to unusual punishment and cruelty. Due in part to the lack of uniform standards, for the application of the penalty resulted in arbitrary and in most of the cases discriminatory sentencing (Oppenheim, n.d.). This led to the establishment that the death penalty was thus unconstitutional. This however came with the states making amendments to their statutes to incorporate the supreme court concerns. This would explain why in the case Gregg V. Georgia, the court held that the death penalty be upheld under the new statutes (Oppenheim, n.d.). While it is highly debated whether the penalty is a legal entity and morally upright, in a developed and civilized nation, there is a sharp focus on the capital crimes. Much of the political pressure to maintain the capital punishment comes from the public arena (Bomboy, 2014).
There are considerations that are associated with the fact that, the death penalty is an expensive approach dealing with capital crimes in the society ("Costs of the Death Penalty", 2016). This is relative to the financial burden that is associated with the processes (Dieter, 2016). In an example, Lewis and Clark Law School along with the university of Seattle, conducted a survey in which, they establish the cost of running the death penalty within Oregon. According to the ...
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