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Final Project Annotations: Juvenile Incarceration In USA

Essay Instructions:

Final Project: Annotations

In Week 4, you submitted two annotated articles and your Instructor provided you with feedback. The assignment this week requires you to incorporate the feedback provided by your instructor and submit two additional annotations. Follow the same steps for the Final Project Assignment from Week 4. Submit the completed annotations to your Instructor. You should be submitting four annotations, including the original two from Week 4, incorporating Instructor feedback, and two newly annotated articles. Completing this next step advances your progress toward completing the Final Project.

Final Project: Annotations, due by Day 7

  • Use the Walden library to search for articles related to the criminal justice issue you selected for your Final Project.
  • Select one article in support of your issue and one article in opposition to your issue. These articles must be different from the two you selected in Week 4.
  • Create an annotation for each article you selected.
  • Incorporate Instructor feedback and revise the annotations from Week 4.

Learning Resources


  • Article: Butts, J. A., & Harrell, A. V. (1998). Delinquents or criminals? Policy options for young offenders. Urban Institute. Retrieved from http://www(dot)urban(dot)org/publications/307452.html
  • Article: Dawson, R. O. (1990). The future of juvenile justice: Is it time to abolish the system? The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 81(1), 136–155. Retrieved from http://ezp(dot)waldenulibrary(dot)org/login?url=http://search(dot)ebscohost(dot)com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=sih&AN=17525599&site=ehost-live&scope=site
  • Article: Feld, B. C. (1997). Abolish the juvenile court: Youthfulness, criminal responsibility, and sentencing policy. Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, 88(1), 68–136. Retrieved from http://ezp(dot)waldenulibrary(dot)org/login?url=http://search(dot)ebscohost(dot)com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=sih&AN=675875&site=ehost-live&scope=site
  • Article: Gaudio, C. M. (2010). A call to congress to give back the future: End the "war on drugs" and encourage states to reconstruct the juvenile justice system. Family Court Review, 48(1), 212–2 27.
    Copyright 2010 by BLACKWELL PUBLISHING. Reprinted by permission of BLACKWELL PUBLISHING via the Copyright Clearance Center.
  • Article: Hsia, H. M., & Beyer, M. (2000). System change through state challenge activities: Approaches and products. Juvenile Justice Bulletin. Retrieved from: https://www(dot)ncjrs(dot)gov/html/ojjdp/jjbul2000_03_3/contents.html

  • Article: Jennings, W. G., Gibson, C., & Lanza-Kaduce, L. (2009). Why not let kids be kids? An exploratory analysis of the relationship between alternative rationales for managing status offending and youths' self-concepts. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 34(3), 198–212.
    Copyright 2009 by SPRINGER-VERLAG NEW YORK INC. Reprinted by permission of SPRINGER-VERLAG NEW YORK INC. via the Copyright Clearance Center.




Essay Sample Content Preview:

Juvenile Incarceration In USA
In the previous weeks, I have been doing in-depth research on issues surrounding youth incarceration in the USA. I have submitted an annotated bibliography on my topic and this article be a continuation of the annotations required for the final project. My previous annotated bibliography feedback was excellent and here below are additional annotations which support my argument. The annotations are articulated to my topic albeit inclined towards finding a better solution to youth incarceration in the US through reducing juvenile recidivism and crime rate.
Piquero, A. R., & Steinberg, L. (2010). Public Preferences for Rehabilitation Versus Incarceration Of Juvenile Offenders. Journal of Criminal Justice, 38(1), 1-6.
Piquero and Steinberg conducted a study to uncover the public opinion on youth incarceration. In this journal, the aim was to establish the public preference on whether children should be incarcerated or rehabilitated. The research was designed to cover four extensive states with different demographic qualities and political orientation. The methodology was designed to uncover the public standpoint in matters youth incarceration and how they perceive corrective facilities about their taxes. The study uncovered that public interest on youth incarceration is influenced by their tax that goes into rehabilitation of young offenders. If rehabilitation is cheaper, the public becomes inclined to choose rehabilitation over incarceration and not based on the outcome of the correctional facilities. Pegging efficacy of correctional facilities on the direct impact on resources of the study sample showed that the general public is not ready to embrace reforms that could lead to lesser crime by juveniles if it eats into their resources.
Hsu, C. (2012, May 8). 'Cold-Hearted' Psychopaths Are Born with Distinct Brains, Existing Treatments May Be Useless. Retrieved from /: /cold-hearted-psychopaths-are-born-distinct-brains-existing-treatments-may-be-useless-240366
Research has shown some people have been born more aggressive and thus they are likely to commit a crime for the slightest provocation. It is a phenomenon branded ‘warrior gene,’ and sociologists relate it to juvenile delinquency. Studies show that brains of psychopaths ...
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