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A Research Paper on the Impact of Abuse on Children and Young People

Essay Instructions:



Summative Assessment

Your assignment must meet the Module Learning Outcomes so:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of abuse on children and young people.

2. Critically examine and analyse the role of different agencies and professionals within the process of safeguarding children and young people.

You are expected to write a 3,500 word critical review of one Serious Case Review/child death inquiry, which identifies common themes of inter-professional roles, risk management and vulnerability 

The written assignment should demonstrate an understanding of theoretical explanations for risk and vulnerability of children and young people. It should also critically examine and analyse the role of different agencies and professionals within the process of safeguarding children and young people. 

Within the assignment, you should define key terminology as well critically analyse the legislative framework and practice policies which determine professionals' roles and responsibilities when safeguarding children. 

The assignment should demonstrate:

Ensure that you answer the learning outcomes 

Correctly referenced 

Significant wider reading 

Critical reflection

Good presentation

Conceptual clarity

A sustained understandable theme

A considered understanding of relevant material

Emergent skills in theoretical analysis

Clear presentation

Coherent and considered structure 

Grammatically correct 


An electronic version of the Reading List is available through the library website Course Resources 

Corby, B., Shemmings, D., Wilkins, D., (2012) Child Abuse: An evidence base for confident practice. Maidenhead: Open University Press. (Available as a book and an electronic version).

Coventry Local Safeguarding Children Board (2013) Daniel Pelka - Serious Case Review 

Coventry LSCB – Final Overview Report of Serious Case Review Coventry City Council

Department of Education (2015) Working together to safeguard children A guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. Available online: https://www(dot)gov(dot)uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/419595/Working_Together_to_Safeguard_Children.pdf

Haringey Local Safeguarding Children Board (2008) Serious Case Review Child A Executive Summary 

Horworth, J., (2007) Child Neglect; identification and assessment Basingstoke; Palgrave Macmillan


Kenninson, P., Goodman A (2008) Children as victims Exeter; Learning matters

Laird, S., (2013) Child protection: managing conflict, hostility and aggression. Bristol: Policy 

Lawrence, A., (2004) Principles of child protection; management and practice Berkshire; Open University Press

May- Chahal, C., Coleman, S., (2003) Safeguarding children and young people London; Routledge 

Munro, E., (2008) Effective Child Protection (2nd ed) London: Sage

Munro, E., (2010) Munro review of child protection systems analysis. Available online:

O' Hagan, K.,(2006) Identifying Emotional and Psychological abuse; A guide for childcare professionals Berkshire Open University Press

Walker, S., Thurston, C., (2006) Safeguarding children and young people: A guide to integrated practice Dorset RHP 


Ageing and Society

Child Abuse and Neglect

Child Development Oxford: Blackwell Science

Child and Family Social Work Oxford: Blackwell Science

Community Care

The Journal of Mental Health Law and Practice

The Journal of Public Childcare Law and Practice

The Journal of Social Housing Law and Practice

Useful Websites:






Relevant Legislation and Policy will be introduced in Lecture Sessions. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Research Paper on the Impact of Abuse on Children and Young People
10 December 2017
This paper focuses on the dangerous effects of child abuse in the lives of both young and adults. The advantages and disadvantages of being knowledgeable and educated in the area of psychological behavior as well as having a deeper understanding of the impacts of child abuse are set forth in the preceding paragraphs. The purpose of this paper us to analyze and evaluate the different roles of agencies, organizations and associations who are in-charge of safeguarding the welfare of children and people with the corresponding state laws that cover these protective acts. Furthermore, literature review of valid, authentic, legitimate primary and secondary sources are included to present more proof and evidence of the studies inclusive of the Victoria Case made by experts and authorities in the area of childcare and law enforcement who have are tasked with the responsibility of saving abused children. In the end, a conclusion will be discussed summarizing all the contents and suggesting further related studies to broaden one’s perspective on the area of child abuse.
Child abuse is one destructive act that has the possibility of both short or long term effects in the lives of children whether in the cognitive area, behavioral and emotional aspects of a child’s life. Children’s response varies based on the trauma received and some become brave in the midst of abuse and fight back emotionally and physically. While some children may become fearful, anxious, depressed, difficulty resting, may complain of physical ailments, behave aggressively in school, or have low self-confidence. One such example of the effects of abuse is the Victoria Case whereby according to Wilkins D. (2012) that there is a need to examine and tackle problems and concerns in the past provided that it is however done with care, precision and a special kind of awareness.
Child abuse is a complicated case to handle and one that deserves a thorough and accurate study that could save a life and keep others from harm. Some children end up being addicted to drugs and alcohol as a form of escape against the confusion and brutality of why adults would want to hurt them. Furthermore, the case of Victoria served as an eye opener on the improvements which must take place to save children’s lives and protect those who are already undergoing abuse. A few would even go as far as committing personal harm or inflict pain upon themselves and fall to eating disorder, or physical affliction. The unwilling victim also becomes confused, agitated, guilty, filled with rage, powerless and have ambivalent behavior against the abusers who may be a relative or a parent. Wilkins D. (2012) added that many accounts of how child protection work started began with a man named Henry Kempe who discovered child battery syndrome in the early 1960’s in the same way that sexual abuse against children has been discovered in Great Brittain. Child protection movements started in the 1980’s such as the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children or also known as NSPCC. Voluntarily, men and women from all walks of life started to fight against the disastrous and tragic effects that child abuse has over countless lives of children.
A Demonstration of an Understanding of the Impact of Abuse on Children and Young People
Child abuse causes tragic and drastic effects in the life of a child and will have permanent consequences upon reaching the age of adulthood thus there is a need for educational programs that help victims of abuse to focus on healthy and empowering relationships and fight against the effects of gender inequality and sexual stereotyping. In the Victoria Case, the little girl was not able to survive the abuses and died. The integration of anti-bullying laws also stemmed out from statutes centralized on domestic and child abuse incidents.
It is of primordial concern that preventive measures must be implemented to avoid the repetitive victimization of a child to physical and emotional abuse.  HYPERLINK "http://eprints.mdx.ac.uk/view/creators/Kennison=3APeter=3A=3A.html" Kennison P. and  HYPERLINK "http://eprints.mdx.ac.uk/view/creators/Goodman=3AAnthony=3A=3A.html" Goodman A. (2008)  discussed the major problems, dilemmas and issues that child protection organizations are experiencing in England and Wales. Likewise, the case of Victoria served as a precedent on the improvements which must take place to save children’s lives and protect those who are already undergoing abuse. There is a need to raise the awareness of social, demographic, situational and environmental risk factors that might lead to destructive consequences that will harm children. At times, the cultural issues hinder the progress of child protection. Guidelines on how the child protection agencies must respond and act have been written by authors Kennison and Goodman to teach authorities on the value of acquisition of a deeper knowledge in terms of child abuse and violence. The more knowledgeable and trained these local government social workers and authorities are, the faster they will discover and discern the children who are undergoing abuse. Local government have failed oftentimes in protecting children from domestic abuse. It must be remembered that the abusers are discreet in their violence so that they won’t easily get caught. Likewise they are psychologically sick to be hurting young children who cannot protect themselves. This is the reason why school authorities, police and social workers must be quick to see the signs. Laird S. E. (2013) declared that the role of social workers is to intervene in families suspected with abusive behavior and reduce the possibility of physical harm against a child. There is a huge importance in training first responders in rescuing children needing help. Recently, child protection service in UK are seeing an escalation in hostile and aggressive behavior from parents and family members. More social workers have been accused for their inability to save the lives of children from an abusive environment and of how they haven’t used their authorities to challenge the parents.
It is important to perform investigations, public inquiries and case reviews to expose the hostility against children. In addition, theories detailing the causes and effects of child abuse must be understood and followed in correlation with the ability to deal with anger, rage, and aggression. Laird established a set of tools and guidelines that would help in the application of an excellent plan that will maintain child protection practice. These guidelines are indispensable for solving dilemmas affecting a child’s behavior through a rigid analysis of the signs and symptoms seen as a result of the aggression taking place inside the home. Some theories in child protection are not effective and must be reviewed. Proposals should be given to raise the standard of child protective services.
Case Study and Analysis on the Victoria Climbie Incident
The tragic death of Victoria Climbie has brought the whole UK in a state of shock and disbelief. There were several instances that the life of this child could have been saved however she died of 128 injuries to which she succumbed to on February of 2000 due to abuse and neglect. She was tortured through starvation, cigarette burns and non-stop beatings with bike chains and belt buckles while hammer was used to smash her tiny feet. She came from an African village and used to live a normal life under the care of her parents who only wanted the best for her but due to the civil war, poverty and lack of educational support, Victoria’s Aunt named Marie-Therese Kouao offered to give the child a grand life in France. She became the killer of the child and the social worker named Lisa Arthurworrey became the scapegoat for not having been discerning enough to protect the child from the abuses that took place (Crime Investigation, 2017). In this case, there was a lack of professional help and during those years, organizations fighting against child abuse still wasn’t prevalent.
Questions and a critical analysis as to the proper method and strategy of detecting child abuse at home began to circulate after Victoria’s death and suffering. The case of Victoria served as an eye opener on the improvements which must take place to save children’s lives and protect those who are already undergoing abuse. On the contrary, a report by Coventry LSCB (2013) states that in circumstances during a Strategy Meeting/Discussion when medical opinion is inconclusive as to the question of whether the injury was accidentally or non-accidentally caused, there must be an immediate follow up of interventions with the family to prevent further commission of abuse.
A critical analysis on the reports of this case showed utmost neglect in the part of the social worker who was in-charge of Victoria. The local authorities questioned the inadvertent disregard of the signs of abuse when there were already evidences and proof of the brutality. Abused children do not have the capacity to defend themselves considering their physical frailties and weakness. They are the ones in need of protection and guidance from the adults and a violation of their rights is deemed a criminal offense deserving of penalty under the laws of the state. Various laws apply in this case such as the Children Act 1989 & 2004, The Childcare Act 2006, and the Children and Young Persons Act 2008. The laws are complete in terms of its contents with reference to child abuse and upholds the human rights of the children. In accordance to the Children Act of 1989 that the authorities have the following duties and responsibilities: As stated in F347 23B that it is the duty of the local authority to take steps to keep in touch with the child, as well as to appoint a personal adviser for the relevant child, and to carry an evaluation of the child’s needs particularly in determining what support to provide (Children Act 1989).
While the Childcare Act of 2006 states that the authorities are responsible for improving the well-being of the child in UK, reducing inequalities, improving the children’s physical, mental and emotional health, protection against harm and neglect, to give the children the education, training and recreation required and likewise watch over their social and economic well-being. Furthermore, the English local authority must respect the help given by the Secretary of the State in performing their duties. Furthermore, Children and Young Persons Act 2008 includes the functions of a Reviewing officer such as monitoring the performance of the local authority of the functions in relation to the child’s case, participate in reviewing the case in subordination to the regulations set by the national authority, and ensure that the needs of the child are taken well care of. O’ Hagan, K.,(2006) emphasized that Laming’s report was a mirage of the authorities and agencies who have failed in their duties of protecting children. The lengthy report did not show how Victoria was tortured and battered to death. The assessment of the social worker did not even mention that the kid was already enduring emotional and psychological abuse. There were even statements mentioned in the report recommending and suggesting for improvements in the training of frontline staff and what the methods are for identifying and assessing emotional and psychological abuse. The social worker failed in this case and caused the life of an innocent and little girl.
An Analysis of the Role of Different Agencies and Professionals Within the Process of Safeguarding Children and Young People.
The safeguarding, abuse & vulnerability factors that have been covered through the module are discussed in Horwath J. B. which reiterates the causes and effects of child neglect and the personal, professional and organizational elements required for the process of identification and assessment that will help in the case of Victoria. Likewise, practical and helpful suggestions to improve the multidisciplinary unity and work methods of the different agencies over cases of abuse and maltreatment have been further discussed. Similarly to the Victoria Case wherein attitudes on child neglect has been altered in time and are being continually influenced by a ch...
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