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2 pages/≈550 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
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If Race No Longer Has A Biological Basis, How Do Ethnicities Continue To Function In Society?

Essay Instructions:

One introduction and One body.

Summarizing the given essay in the introduction, also mention the definition of race what author states.

((Format of the introduction:


1. Attention Grabber

2. 2-3 sentences elaborating (expanding/explaining) on the Attention Grabber and connecting it to the essay topic/thesis sentence by providing background information to help the reader better understand the essay topic and your point of view on the topic.

3. Introduction of Authors (include the following information for each author you are writing about)

Authors name

Title of book/passage

4. 1-2 sentences describing/summarizing the message/moral/themes of the reading and how it connects to your essay topic

5. Context specific definitions for any key terms from the readings and essay prompt and how those key terms relate to the essay topic

6. Thesis sentence

Needs to present your opinion on the essay prompt topic

Needs to reference the topics of each of the 3 body paragraphs and how they relate to the essay topic

Needs to explain what you are trying to convey (say) about the essay topic

Should have two quotes(page number) in the body.

More analysis in the body

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The End of Race
(Student’s name)
Social Sciences
(Institutional affiliation)
The End of Race
The definition of race as crucial divisions of humankind according to the evident physical characteristics or being united under the same culture, language, and history. After extensive realization, it can be said that race is all based on society’s perception because everyone in the world are the same, and the distinction between races are very minimal in terms of biological and genetical aspects. Furthermore, there is no such thing as a pure race because everyone has a mixture. Although, the end of race is unfathomable as majority of the people in a particular race have the tendency to draw closer to each other because of several reasons like similarities, divisions, familiarity, and idealism. This is in comparison to the possibility of the development of a new race.
Most people choose to only identify themselves based on their biological parents, their birthplace, or what they distinguish with what comes from their decisions. There are people, who are also from the same states, say they are “mixed”, and the author believes is convinced that most of the people living in Hawaii came from mixed descent. The indication of being mixed does not only come from genetics, but even for official purposes that the ancestors of a person can be categorized under one of the 6 racial forms.
The perspective used to determine race is going under rapid shifts. For instance, the popularity of intermarriages is increasing and it is gaining acceptance among societies. In 500 years, if human societies do n...
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