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To What Extent Is It Possible To Move Beyond The Idea Of Race?

Essay Instructions:


Attention Grabber

2-3 sentences elaborating (expanding/explaining) on the Attention Grabber and connecting it to the essay topic/thesis sentence by providing background information to help the reader better understand the essay topic and your point of view on the topic.

Introduction of Authors (include the following information for each author you are writing about)

Authors name

Title of book/passage

1-2 sentences describing/summarizing the message/moral/themes of the reading and how it connects to your essay topic

Context specific definitions for any key terms from the readings and essay prompt and how those key terms relate to the essay topic

Thesis sentence

Needs to present your opinion on the essay prompt topic

Needs to reference the topics of each of the 3 body paragraphs and how they relate to the essay topic

Needs to explain what you are trying to convey (say) about the essay topic

2.Body Paragraphs each body paragraph (3 body paragraphs needed) should contain the following information

Topic Sentence

Tells what this entire paragraph is about and how it relates to your opinion and the thesis

Transition to introduce first example/quote and connect/relate the topic sentence to the quote/example


Unpacking of the quote/example: put the quote/example into your own words and give context to the quote/example

Analyze and elaborate the quote/example and explain how it connects to your thesis sentence, your essay topic, and other quotes/examples already given in the paragraph

Transition to the next quote/example

Repeat steps #3-6 for each quote/example needed for the paragraph. Paragraphs should contain between 1-3 quotes/examples

Concluding sentence that summarizes your argument/point of the entire paragraph and transitions/links it to the topic of the next body paragraph or to the conclusion if it is the last body paragraph

3.Conclusion this is basically just the introduction in reverse

Reword your thesis statement

Summarize each of your body paragraphs into its own sentence. This means you should have a total of 3 sentences with each sentence summarizing the topic/information/point of a different body paragraph.

A Call to Action

Why does this essay/your argument matter? Why should the reader care about what you have to say?

What can/should the reader and other people do with the information you have provided in your essay? What message should your reader be walking away with?

***Each body should contain two quotes from different given essays.

Two given essays:

P539-546: "Preface and The New Civil Rights" by Kenji Yoshiko

P300-311: "The End of Race: Hawaii and the Mixing of Peoples" by Steve Olson

should contain page number after every quote.

Thank You!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
        To what extent is it possible to move beyond the idea of race? Name Institution Date       The idea that the U.S. is a melting point of cultures highlights that immigrants have integrated and assimilated as though every culture is appreciated. In reality, when people think of America they think of the dominant mainstream culture, and it is the minorities who are expected to assimilate. The issue of race is closely tied to culture since they are markers of shared beliefs, and values. Kenji Yoshino wrote the article “Preface and The New Civil Rights” addressing the need to redefine civil rights that bring people together and not apart without coerced conformity.
Steve Olson noted in “The End of Race: Hawaii and the Mixing of Peoples” that intermarriages between the native Hawaiians and non natives does not necessarily represent racial harmony, as there are cultural divide among the population and even defining Hawaiian culture is more difficult even after the end of European colonization. Minorities are expected to assimilate where they identify less with their identities, and yet, they are still treated differently. Intermarriages and assimilation there is acceptance of those who are different, but people still hold negative stereotypes about individual and groups from different racial categories. Biologists and geneticists have all looked at race from a scientific angle focusing on particular traits and differences, while anthropologists and social scientists mainly look at race as a social construct. “Despite the high rate of intermarriage here, ethnic and racial tensions haven’t really disappeared.  They have changed into something else, something less threatening, perhaps, but still divisive,” (Olson 302). The passage highlights that there are still differences that exist in Hawaii and even racial categorization is still present between the whites and non whites of mixed ancestry. Intermarriages do not mean that there is no longer prejudice as there are groups that are still distinct categories like the Japanese, Filipinos, and native Hawaiians. The stereotypes that people attach to those who are different from them are negative and they are associated with people from different racial groups.  Intermarriages may show that there is tolerance in the society, but not necessarily that the society is egalitarian, as prejudice in ingrained in the society and especially in the education system where the original Hawaiian Americans are worse off than other groups (Olson 306). “I, too, worry about our current practice of fracturing into groups, each clamoring for state and social solicitude (Yoshino 543).  Even with increasing intermarriages identity politics are still prevalent and this undermines civil right protections. Intermarriage span racial boundaries and networks, but people take time to change their views on prejudice as is the case of Hawaii with high intermarriage rates, but there are negative labels that describe different groups.              As people assimilate into the mainstream society, their identities may shift as they act according to the society’s expectations. Assimilation fosters social behaviors that are acceptable to the main...
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