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Definition of Hedonic Act-Utilitarianism Research Assignment

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Hedonic Act-Utilitarianism
Hedonic Act-Utilitarianism
Definition of Hedonic Act-Utilitarianism
Hedonic act-utilitarianism is a theory in ethics arguing that the moral and the righteous action is the one with maximum utility, that entirely depends on the pleasure likely to be produced and pain likely to be prevented/ avoided as a result of an action. Jeremy Bentham was the first to introduce this idea. According to the theory, utility definition is variable along the entire scenarios of utilitarianism. However, albeit describing the pleasures as advantages, happiness, benefits amongst others, it somehow treats concepts almost synonymously as well as the pleasures that can be reduced. Utilitarianism is based on considering the morality of an action, entirely with regard to its consequences. It was John Stuart Mill who came up with another view based on utilitarianism described as hedonistic. It argues that some pleasures are higher than others, thus, asserting that the quality of a pleasure need be considered as much as the quantity assessing consequences’ value of an action.
Hedonistic-Utilitarianism and Programming of Self-Driving Cars
According to utilitarianism, the self-driving cars should be programmed to protect the most lives.For the above problem, the approach will be to maximize on the saving of lives, meaning that it will be morally correct according to Unitarianism reasoning base, to kill the pedestrian and not to crash with the vehicle carrying the passengers. Therefore, killing one person is better than many.
The theory argues that the action that is moral is that which will cause or causes maximum happiness to the maximum number of people. Sticking to that reasoning, a driverless vehicle should be programmed to take any action it will do to ensure numbers of people are saved even if it will be at the expense of pedestrian or the passenger.
In automobile car, utility can be construed to mean several things for the sake of pleasure maximization to incorporate the self- security value and the value of law. In regard to automobile cars, the first and most important priority utility will be saving of human lives. Since the idea is on maximizing utility, in designing automobiles, the important thing will be focusing on saving maximum of life. In other words, saving the majority while killing the a few.Utilitarianism does not provide security regarding any di...
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