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Identifying Race as a Social Construct

Essay Instructions:

Big Picture Question: What evidence do the readings and documentary provide indicating that race is a social construct?

Base on the two materials to answer the following questions.


1) "Antecedents of the Racial Worldview" by Audrey Smedley; and,

2) Part 1 of "Race: The Power of an Illusion" accessed through the AU library with the following link: https://mediaspace(dot)american(dot)edu/media/Race+the+power+of+an+illusion+Episode+one+The+difference+between+us/1_bw9d68qz/97957511


1) What evidence do we have that the race concept has not been around since the beginning of time? Briefly describe one concept of difference that (according to Smedley) people used to denote difference prior to the racial thinking about difference. How was that “pre-racial ingredient” characterized as both biological and cultural?

2) Provide one example from the documentary or reading of how a concept of difference transitioned from being “pre-racial” to racial. What social, economic and/or cultural changes were involved in the transition?

3) What evidence do the readings/documentaries provide that racial differences involve constructing non-existent relationships between biology and culture? Select one example from the reading or the documentary.

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Question 1
One of the most compelling evidence that race is a social construct rather than natural and existent since the beginning of time is DNA analysis. Geneticists and microbiologists have sequenced DNA of humans from different regions and of different ‘races’ and concluded that there are no meaningful differences between the human species. Some few genes that may have mutated because of environmental factors and led to different hair texture and skin tone but the rest of the thousands of human genomes are identical. In the documentary, Mr. Scott Bronson leads a DNA workshop and takes DNA samples of several students of different backgrounds: black, Caucasian, Korean, Chinese. After sequencing their mitochondrial DNA, they found that each one of them are like each other despite their striking outward appearance. Analysis of mitochondrial DNA proves beyond reasonable doubt that humans do not have different genetic differences.
Secondly, according to Smedley, the English through the monarchy passed laws that forbade intermarriage and learning Irish culture. This brought animosity with the Irish and it was an early racial thinking that shaped the English’ worldview of other cultures that they encountered during exploration.
Question 2
One of the people who championed the categorization of humans on basis of their skin color and hair texture was Mr Frederick L. Hoffman. He published a race traits and tendencies of the American negro. He championed the ‘extinction thesis’ by comparing the rates of deaths and disease among American blacks and whites. He found enormous disparities, but his dat...
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