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Education Inequality For Chinese Migrant Workers' Children

Essay Instructions:

You will incorporate the research and any infographics produced during the team work for the team slide deck development to produce an individually written Issue Brief. In this individual memo, you will use social science or scientific evidence to further define the issue/problem, and refine and deepen the explanation of the criteria to assess the results of alternatives/proposed decisions. Format: 2 page maximum (including footnotes and embedded graphics but not including appendices -- you can include the references in the appendix), single-spaced, 12 point font, memo format, with full and complete citations.

Step 1: review the feedback from the instructor on the team slide deck 

Step 2: revise the problem definition/issue diagnosis to respond to the feedback

Step 3: identify social science or scientific evidence (using published research in credible journals and books) that expands and clarifies the problem definition/issue diagnosis

Step 3a: use a research search engine (e.g., USC Library online: https://libraries.usc.edu/; Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/) to find social science or scientific research on the policy issue

Step 3b: expand and deepen the problem definition/issue diagnosis text from the slide deck to include the findings from research you found in Step 3a; do not include irrelevant studies/findings; remember to provide citations for all publications you use and to use quotation marks and full citations for all text you extract from existing sources (please use a citation management platform to help you organize your citations, such as Endnote online, Zotero, etc)

Step 3c: revise the problem definition/issue diagnosis with this research evidence so the narrative flows logically; use subheadings to alert the reader to changing topics

Step 4: identify social science or scientific evidence (using published research in credible journals and books) that expands and clarifies the criteria explanation from the slide deck; please remember that the criteria should be used to assess the probable results of alternatives/proposed decisions

Step 4a: use a research search engine (e.g., USC Library online: https://libraries.usc.edu/; Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/) to find social science or scientific research on the criteria, especially as each criterion relates to the problem definition/issue diagnosis

Step 4b: expand the criteria text from the slide deck to include the findings from research you found in Step 4a; do not include irrelevant studies/findings; remember to provide citations for all publications you use and to use quotation marks and full citations for all text you extract from existing sources (please use a citation management platform to help you organize your citations, such as Endnote online, Zotero, etc)

Step 4c: revise the criteria explanation with this research evidence so the narrative flows logically; use subheadings to alert the reader to changing topics

Step 5: put these sections into the memo format (problem definition/issue diagnosis including relevant research, criteria description and explanation including relevant research, summary of sections); use descriptive subheadings for each section; make sure to include quotation marks for text that you have taken from existing sources and provide a complete citation as a footnote or endnote (please use a citation management platform to help you organize your citations, such as Endnote online, Zotero, etc)

Step 6: write an Executive Summary that summarizes the most important takeawaysof the memo (hint: the reader should be able to read the subject line and the Executive Summary and understand exactly what you are proposing without reading the rest of the memo)

Step 7: check the draft memo for spelling and grammatical errors and read the memo aloud to yourself to make sure that the memo makes sense

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Education inequality in China memo
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Professor's Name
Course Number
To: professor's Name
From: Student's Name
Date: 7 July 2021
Subject: Education Inequality For Chinese Migrant Workers' Children. 
Executive Summary
Some issues need to be addressed by the Chinese ministry of education. In China, the migrants' children do not enjoy the educational privileges as the Chinese children. Most migrant parents are left with the option of sending their children to private schools in urban areas. Otherwise, they return their children to rural areas where there are low-quality schools. The children, as a result, are far away from their parents or guardians. There are alternatives and criteria relating to the eightfold path; Identifying and defining policy issues, assembling the evidence, and criteria selection. The criterions stated above were operationalized in order to access potential policy alternatives.
Issue Diagnosis Section
In this section, the focus will be considered on the causes and solutions to educational inequality for Chinese migrants' children. 
Government factors
The number of floating Chinese population in 2018 was 244 million. The research showed that in 2019, only 33.33% of the migrants' children lived with their parents (Zhou et al., 2020). Several factors led to the education inequality in China. The population registration system that began in the 1950s in China was the determinant of; individual's identity, citizenship, and status. Cheng and Selden 1994 argued that food, clothing, shelter, marriage, and employment were essential. Due to the above causes, rural migrant's children faced educational barriers; because they lacked an urban hook. (Wu, 2009).
Economic Factors
In addition, some policies required that; registration of every household in a specific city. Through this, each person could have benefits such as social security access. Also, they could benefit from medicare and education in their residents. Another policy was the government's moderation through the Hukou system to avoid unnecessary competition for the limited urban resources. 
Individual Factors
If children study in rural areas and their family works in the city, the children may not go to urban areas to access education; caused the migrants who had enough funds to place their children in private schools (Zhou et al., 2021). However, the less-privileged families were left with the option of sending their children to rural schools; led to detachment between parents and the children, even t...
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