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Hypothetical Video Game – Eco-Warriors: Socio-Perspectives

Essay Instructions:

Details are in below.

Each student is required to do a 3-5 pages paper on a topic of their choosing. The paper should be double-spaced in Times New Roman 12 or Calibri 11. No extensions will be granted, so please do not request one.

Topic: Please hypothetically design your own video game and focus on the culture and environment of that video game. Research this topic by focusing on the following:

 Look at the game from different sociological perspectives (Functionalist, Interactionist, Feminist, Conflict)

 Who are the people or characters in the game?

 What do they look like? What are they wearing?

 How do they interact with other characters in the game?

 What does the environment of the game look like?

 What elements of culture are involved in the game?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Eco-Warriors: Socio-Perspectives
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Eco-Warriors: Socio-Perspectives
“Eco-Warriors” is a hypothetical video game that takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where the environment has been severely damaged by human actions. The game’s main objective is to educate players on the importance of environmental conservation and the consequences of neglecting it. The player assumes the role of a member of a group of survivors who are working to restore the environment and rebuild society in this world. The player’s goal is to restore the environment by planting trees, cleaning up pollution, and creating sustainable energy sources. The game also touches on themes of social justice and challenges traditional gender roles by depicting women in strong, capable positions and allowing players to take on a female character.
From a functionalist perspective, “Eco-Warriors” serves the function of educating players about the importance of environmental conservation and the consequences of neglecting it. The game provides a clear example of how different parts of society such as technology and government can work together to solve the problem of environmental degradation. Functionalists believe that society is like a complex machine, where every part of it plays a role and contributes to the overall functioning of society (Croteau et al., 2021). Besides, this game serves as an example of this by showing how different elements of society like technology, government and community need to come together to solve a problem. It also demonstrates the functional interdependence of society’s various parts and the importance of each one in maintaining the stability of society and the environment. The game serves as a tool for teaching players about the importance of environmental conservation and the need for cooperation and coordination among different parts of society.
From an interactionist perspective, “Eco-Warriors” allows players to actively engage with and understand the perspectives and actions of the characters in the game. Interactionists focus on how people interact with one another and how these interactions shape people’s behavior, attitudes, and beliefs. The game requires players to work with other characters to gather resources, make decisions, and overcome obstacles. These interactions are not just superficial, but rather they allow players to learn about the social dynamics at play in the post-apocalyptic world. The game provides an opportunity for players to put themselves in the shoes of the characters, understand their actions and motivations, and learn about the social norms that govern their behavior (Croteau et al., 2021). It also allows players to learn about the impact of their actions on society, how their actions affect society’s norms and values, and how society’s norms and values affect their actions. Besides, this game provides players with a unique opportunity to learn about social dynamics in a post-apocalyptic world through active engagement with the characters.
From a feminist perspective, “Eco-Warriors” could be criticized for its lack of representation of women in leadership roles. Feminists believe that gender inequalities exist in society and that these inequalities are reinforced and perpetuated through media representation. A lack of representation of women in leadership roles in the game may reflect and reinforce the societal belief that women are not suitable for leadership positions. However, the game could also be seen as challenging traditional gender roles by depicting women in strong, capable positions. Players can take on a female character and engage in activities that are not typically associated with traditional gender roles such as fighting, leading, and decision-making. This can challenge the societal belief that women are weak and dependent and can help to break down gender stereotypes. The game also allows players to play as a female character and see the world through their eyes, this can help to change the player’s attitudes and beliefs about gender roles. Besides, this game provides an opportunity for players to challenge traditional gender roles and think critically about the representation of women in society.
From a conflict perspective, “Eco-Warriors” portrays the conflicts that arise between different groups vying for limited resources in a p...
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