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Human Trafficking and the Controversies Involved

Essay Instructions:

Topic:Human Trafficking: discuss what you think are the reasons why it is such a prevalent problem; discuss how it happens outside US, inside US, history of it, actions taken, controversies involving prostitution and blame placed on the victim; suggest possible ways to help victims, or to reduce the problem overall

Your job for the essay is not merely to inform me about the topic you've chosen for your research paper, but to persuade me of your specific position on that topic. To do this you’ll need to utilize effective rhetorical appeals appropriate for the particular audience (a college instructor). You will establish ethos by following MLA or APA format, writing with correct grammar and clear language (canon of style), and referencing reliable outside sources. You will use logos by developing well-constructed paragraphs with insightful arguments and clear explanations (canon of invention), and by organizing your overall paper (canon of arrangement) in a logical manner according to one of the approaches we've covered. You may also use a bit of pathos in the introduction and the conclusion of your essay, getting me interested in the topic (introduction) and explaining the larger implications of your argument (conclusion). But, be aware that this particular rhetorical situation (the academic environment) demands that you keep pathos to a minimum. Logical and evidence-based arguments that are clearly explained and well-organized will be the most persuasive to me!

Follow either MLA or APA format (including format, citations, and works cited/references page), and also follow all the format guidelines listed in the syllabus (Times New Roman 12-point font, one inch margins, no extra spaces between paragraphs). You will need to submit your final essay to SafeAssign (via Blackboard. Essays that don’t meet the length requirement will lose 20% per missing page (that means 10% for missing ½ page!). Essays that lack the required sources will lose 20% per missing source. Any essay that includes ANY uncited words or ideas taken from ANY outside source will receive a ZERO!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking
International Labour Organization (ILO) approximates that there are 12.3 million victims of human trafficking globally at any given time. Out of this number, 2.4 million people are believed to be toiling in forced labour in different parts of the world. The United States, on the other hand, is believed to be receiving 14,500 to 17,500 people every year from human trafficking. The quoted figures by various entities, including ILO, on the huge number of people falling victims of human trafficking, shows how human trafficking has become a prevalent problem. Human trafficking does not have a uniform definition. However, several scholarly sources define it as an act of obtaining human beings either through fraud, coercion by force and exploit them sexually, in forced labour or in any other way for monetary gain. This paper explores the origin of human trafficking, its schemes inside and outside the United States, its effects and prospective measures of dealing with it.
Origin of Human Trafficking
Going by the definition provided above, it is convincible to argue that the slave trade was indeed a form of human trafficking. Therefore, it remains as the first act of human trafficking only that it targeted people of colour. Upon illegalizing the slave trade in Britain and the United States in 1807 and 1820 respectively, white slavery emerged (Cordisco Tsai, Lim & Nhanh, 2020). Unlike the initial slave trade, white slavery targeted white women who were forcefully obtained and exploited sexually. Several organizations were established in the early 1900s to put an end to white slavery. However, it didn't take long before modern-day slavery, which is the latest form of human trafficking, took centre stage thanks to globalization. Today, International Labour Organization projects that the forced labour element of human trafficking generates approximately $150 billion per year globally. A reflection on the types of human trafficking discussed in this section, it is convincible to argue that human trafficking originated from the need of elite human beings to exploit the less fortunate for monetary and sexual fulfilment.
Causes of Human Trafficking
According to (Yousaf, 2018), there are five major causes of human trafficking. The first element is the need for a better life by the victims. Calamities such as war, poverty and natural disasters are cited as some of the major reasons why people flee their countries of origin to become refugees in other countries. Traffickers, on the other hand take advantage of such people who are usually susceptible to being coerced into the industry. Additionally, studies have shown that 98% of bought and sold human beings for sexual purposes are women and children (Yousaf, 2018). This number is high among women and children because of their vulnerability in the society thanks to the patriarchy and gender inequality. The rising demand for cheap labour, especially in agriculture, restaurants and domestic chores has seen the surge in human trafficking. The lucrative nature of the industry in terms of the revenue it generates is also cited as another factor that promotes human trafficking. The final factor that is cited as a cause for human trafficking is trauma and this factor prevents the victim from informing investigators about traffickers.
As factual as the stated causes maybe, they seem more like the secondary causes and not the primary causes. This is because all the stated causes such as poverty, wars and the lucrative nature of the business exposes two major issues in the society. The first being lack of goodwill from national and international communities to combat the trade. Good policies without goodwill to implement them is nothing. Secondly, the rot in the society is another thing that has been exposed by the causes of human trafficking. The amount of money generated from the business is a clear indication that the society has lost its moral obligations and human beings have oved money so much in that they are ready to do everything, however dire it maybe just to gain financially.
Human Trafficking in the US
Women and Children are the majority among the 14,500 to 17,500 people who enter the United States every year through trafficking (Farrell & de Vries, 2020). Upon entering the United States, these people become immigrants, making it even easier to exploit them. Their immigrant status, lack of proper education, inability to speak English and ignorance of the United States protection law gives traffickers easy time to engage the immigrants into forced labour in both legal and illegal industries. Women and young girls are usually forced into taking pornographic photos and videos. The majority of human trafficking victims in the United States are young people with an average age of 20 (Farrell & de Vries, 2020). Most of these victims are always naive at this age, making them even more vulnerable to further exploitation. Though there are laws in the United States that protect such victims, the victims’ ignorance about the law and their involvement in hidden and unregulated industries makes it difficult to notice them. The amount of people enterig United States as traffickers is huge and that should raise a red flag to the government because the numbers just show how porous US borders are hence making the country more vulnerable not only to victims of traffickers but also to terrorists who might come in through human trafficking.
Human Trafficking Outside United States
Sub-Saharan Africa, Eastern Europe and south-east Asia are some places outside the United States where human trafficking is rampant. Bangladesh in South East Asia is the country with the highest rate of human trafficking globally. Human traffickers in Bangladesh are believed to hide behind the over 800 recruitment agencies where they deceive and overcharge their clients and making them indebted Farrell, A., & de Vries, I. (2020). As a result, the traffickers take adv...
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