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Advantages of Working and Sharing Information as a Team

Essay Instructions:

You and your team have done your best to work collaboratively with your clients to reach their goals/outcomes in the time you had together. And, you prepared your clients for discharge by summarizing the status of goal/outcome achievement and identifying referrals to help them meet ongoing and/or additional needs. You also made plans to follow up on clients’ progress after discharge. It’s been quite a journey.

*In a paper of five pages (2500 words, single-spaced) reflect upon and explore the following:

*Describe the advantages to you and your client of working and sharing information as a team.

*Describe improvements needed, if any, in the way that your team worked together and communicated.

*Describe which client goals/outcomes achieved by the time of discharge and which were not achieved.

*If clients’ goals/outcomes were not achieved, describe the degree to which activities moved client

toward goal/outcome achievement.

*Describe the extent to which the case records for each client enables you and your agency to demonstrate fulfillment of agency mission and accountability to stakeholders and to conduct ongoing evaluation of performance. If additional information is required, describe it.

My role: Substance abuse counselor

Team B

Client 1: Marvin Brown

Client 2: Sara Moore

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection on Mr. Brown and Ms. Moore Cases
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Reflection on Mr. Brown and Ms. Moore Cases
My SWCC team has played significant roles to ensure that Marvin Brown and Sara Moore received proper assistance. In particular, Mr. Brown presented himself to us and stated that he wanted to get his life together. Initially, he experienced nightmares and depression that altered his sleeping patterns and made him combine alcohol, sleeping pills, and antidepressants. Ms. Moore came to us since she felt like she was sinking into depression after losing her job as a loan officer at a financial institution and using her savings to almost depletion. Her job loss made it hard for her to pay for her therapy sessions and buy the right medications. My team has done an excellent job of helping these two clients overcome the majority of their problems before the time of discharge.
Advantages of Working and Sharing Information as a Team
Teamwork is strength. The SWCC staff comprised of a financial specialist, substance abuse counselor, registered nurse, mental health counselor, and education and career counselor. In that light, when the above specialists met with Mr. Brown and Ms. Moore, the primary focus was on helping them in different ways so that they can get their lives back to normal. The reason why I stated that teamwork is a strength is that one person would not have helped these clients in distinctive areas, such as financial management and substance abuse counselor. Each member of the SWCC team played significant roles in ensuring that Mr. Brown and Ms. Moore received the help they needed. In particular, the importance of working as a team and sharing the information is that one might get new information about the client that might facilitate change quickly. For instance, in the scenario of Ms. Moore, she lost her job, which made her fall into alcohol problems. In that case, the substance abuse counselor can work together with the financial specialist to help Ms. Moore secure a job. By doing so, the client will get money and afford therapy and the right medications. As such, working as a team promotes effective problem-solving since different specialists have unique strengths and suggestions on how an issue should be addressed successfully.
Teamwork Improvements
My SWCC team of professionals worked together and communicated effectively to ensure that Ms. Moore and Mr. Brown fulfilled their goals. However, my team's success was significantly contributed to the individual efforts of specialists involved in the entire process. For example, every person involved shared their ideas and opinions to ensure that a particular client got maximum help. Even though my team performed well, there is room for improvement and here are the things that would facilitate excellent performance in the future. First, all professionals should provide their reports after meeting the client on time. If some specialists fail to compile their client’s analysis, they might hinder the entire team to get information of a critical issue that should be addressed immediately. For instance, if the financial specialist failed to indicate the Ms. Moore was almost depleting her savings, which would have triggered her depression, the substance abuse counselor cannot relate that to the alcohol drinking problem. Second, every professional should develop activities that are related to his or her specialty. For instance, a financial specialist might organize how a client will secure a job and advise the individual on how to spend his or her income. Additionally, a substance abuse counselor should suggest the appropriate strategies that a client should adopt to stop abusing drugs.
Goals/Outcomes Achieved By the Time of Discharge and Those Not Achieved
Ms. Moore
Ms. Moore had achieved almost 80% of the set goals before being discharged. Professionals had no doubt that she was determined to become a better person. The only thing that had not been achieved is getting her employment. Ms. Moore needed a job to sustain her therapy and medications. Since she had work experience as a loan officer, it was not going to be difficult for her to be hired ...
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