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Human Sexuality Resource Review

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Human Sexuality

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Thesis Statement
The top three beneficial resources that have been reviewed include the Female Reproductive System, Menstruation and the Male Reproductive System.
The reproductive system is a combination of synchronize organs all with the purpose of producing life. The human reproductive system integrates internal fertilization controlled by the hormones and the genetic make-up. The Female Reproductive System describes the female organs and parts suited for fertilization and the consequences of such like Menstruation as depicted in The Menstruation. The Male Reproductive System looks upon the different male systems, its complementary parts and how it aids in fertilization till the zygote is formed.
The Female Reproductive System depicts the functionalities of the involved organs and parts; for example, the ovaries are an integral part of the female reproductive system. They are described to be on the left and right sides of the uterus. They produce the female hormones estrogen and the female reproductive cells (ova). The Female Reproductive System explains further that at birth, the female body has numerous ova cells that develop to maturity through the woman’s life. The Female Reproductive System describes the detail regarding the fallopian tube and how it is adapted to the implantation of the fertilized egg. The uterus is depicted as a posterior hollow organ where the implantation of the fertilized egg occurs. The function of the uterus, its shape and how it prepares for the fertilized egg is described by The Female Reproductive System. Adjacent to this uterus is the vagina; its adaptation toward child delivery and the actual penetration by the penis is clearly defined. Other organs that are of particular interest in The Female Reproductive System are the breast and mammary glands.
The Male Reproductive System, on the other hand, describes complementary systems, accessory parts and the effecting hormones; the testes as the primary organ. It outlines sufficient information regarding ...
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