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2 pages/≈550 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
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Human Sexuality: Gender, Family, Religion, Ethnicity And Diversity

Essay Instructions:



  1. Identify the impact of a wide variety of factors, such as gender, family, religion, ethnicity and diversity, on human sexual behavior.
  2. Develop a clearer awareness of one’s own attitudes, values, biases, and stereotypes in the sexual area.
  3. Identify trends and changes in the past and present that influenced one’s sexual attitudes and values and be aware of how some of these values differ from those in other cultures,
  4. Understand the skills and dynamics that form the basis for fulfilling relationships,
  5. Describe the various sexual diseases and dysfunctions, how their risk can be minimized, and how they can be dealt with if they occur,
  6. Describe methods of contraception and abortion and state their own standards and values related to these issues,
  7. Describe various types of unconventional sexual behavior, the factors that contribute to this behavior, and why they are considered unconventional,
  8. Describe the reasons for, and the effects of, commercial sex (prostitution and pornography),
  9. Describe the causes of sexual assault, how to minimize the probability of such assault, and what to do after an assault has occurred,
  10. Describe the changes that occur in a woman during pregnancy and birth and how these changes affect her interactions with others.
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Reflection paper
Institution of affiliation
Reflection paper
For the period I have been attending these classes on human sexuality, I have learned that sexuality is part of us right from the day we were born. These units have given me an insight into how our lives are intertwined from birth. The environment in which we are brought up has a significant impact on the kind of individual we grow up to be. In human sexuality, women are taught to apologize for their strengths when men grow up believing that they should apologize for their weaknesses. This shapes individuals into a particular image that the society perceives they ought to be. Since birth, the seed of who we grow up to be are planted by our parents and though with the right motives, they do not always plant the right ones. These seeds shape our attitudes and give us our sexuality.
In my opinion, adolescence is the most critical development stage of any person. This is the stage where you begin to identify who you are as your body makes changes and if not well handled, it can be quite damaging. For this reason, I believe that parents should listen to their teenagers. This goes a long way in building a relationship with them. By giving them a chance to explore who they are, they will feel safe and mature. As parents, counseling teenagers should be done with love and not reprimanding them every time. Constant reprimanding makes them develop a rebellious attitude. Teenagers are supposed to have a sexual education to raise their awareness of their sexuality and understand the changes happening to their body. Parents do not know how to talk about sex with their children, and this is t...
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