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Applying Theory to Criminal Justice Events Research

Essay Instructions:

Applying Theory to Criminal Justice Events
Theory may be thought of as the foundation of all social science disciplines. It guides how researchers think about objects of study and provides the lens through which they filter their subject matter in order to make sense of complex phenomena. It guides social scientists in organizing concepts, developing research questions, and interpreting data outcomes. Moreover, it helps consumers of research understand the integrated relationship between different critical topics of discussion. Whatever the role you may play—whether as a researcher or a consumer of research—it is useful to understand how the relationship between theory and research works and why it is important.
To prepare for this Application Assignment, choose a criminal justice theory and a particular criminal event or type of crime. Think about how this theory could be used to analyze the criminal event or type of crime.

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Applying Theory to Criminal Justice
Institutional affiliation
Applying Theory to Criminal Justice
Theory and research are two separate topics but are related mainly to criminal justice. Theories help people understand something that has proven to be a phenomenon while research is done to test the truth or credibility of the theory. In criminal justice, the two are essential to ensure that the judicial system makes evidence-based decisions that are backed up by facts. Research is the primary tool that is used in the advancement of knowledge. One way in which theory and research are related is where research is used to find out the credibility of a theory ("Theory and research in criminal justice: Current perspectives", 2010). There are many theories concerning everything. For instance, the theory of creation. The only way of making these theories are not misleading people is through research. A deep research will be conducted to reach to the bottom of things. For instance, the creation theory has been tested many times. A good example is an American person who had sued God for failing to protect his people. Here theory and research were used to solve the case. Another relation between the two is whereby a theory is used to give research a chance to survive. This means that if it were not for research theories would probably not exist because it is the theories that lead to investigations regarding research.
An example of a criminal justice theory is the conflict theory. The theory focuses on competition and the conflicting interests of different social groups in the community as the principle force used to underpin culture and politics (Cooper, 2013). These type of theories use the criminal laws as the method used by the powerful and prosperous social groups to rule or control the socially disadvantaged groups in the society. These theories can be used by those in power to control those who are not satisfied with the leadership of the country (B...
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