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Does Abolishing Slavery Bring Changes to How Bosses Treat the Workers?

Essay Instructions:

This is a writing intensive class, I will submit an attachment which is written by myself, could you please write this essay with my writing style? Thank You!

Here is the question you need to write:

2. Essay Two, Workers used to be treated badly under slavery, but slavery was abolished and now workers are treated well by their bosses. Agree or disagree using reputable sources to back up your claims. Cite your sources in any format you prefer, as long as it is consistent. Length 1, 100 words. 

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Human Geography
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Human Geography
Workers used to be treated badly under slavery, but slavery was abolished and now workers are treated well by their bosses. Agree or disagree using reputable sources to back your claims.
When you query how to treat employees better on google, you get millions of answers. Today, there is a lot of information on how employers can improve their treatment of workers. But how many follow the snippets they find on the internet or how many adopt the suggested policies even with the promise of increased employee productivity. Research appears to suggest that employers are not keen on improving how they treat their employees. Strikes and unrests within workplaces have become commonplace in many countries as employees seek to voice their frustrations. Some of the issues that bring friction between employees and employers today include poor pay, unconducive working environments, and increased working hours without significant changes in pay. Well, these issues often push employees to vent their frustrations and many still believe that strikes and boycotts are a good way of pushing employers to action. During the slavery era, slaves were considered the property of the slave owner. They did not have rights and whatever work they did could be compensated but this was all at the mercy of the employers. Well, today, employees do have rights and employers do not consider them as property. However, are they being treated better and as valuable assets of whichever company they are working for? Well, this article seeks to showcase that employees are still not treated as they should by their employers and that exploitation is at its all-time high today.
First of all, today, employers do not consider treating their employees better as a responsibility. A quick history of the Cadbury family shows how employers can humanize themselves and treat their employees better. The family as reported by Hutton (1) “built a model town, Bourneville, for their workers, away from the overcrowded tenements of central Birmingham.” He continues to say that “the message was clear. Cadbury cherished and invested in their workers, expecting commitment and loyalty back, which they got.” Apparently, the family took the duty of taking care of its employees as a responsibility and felt the need to reciprocate for their commitment and loyalty. However, this cannot and has not been seen in today’s companies which appear to treat employees like robots. Hutton compares the relationship the Cadbury family had with the relationship that Amazon has with its employees. Apparently, Hutton writes that the relationship Jeff Bezos (founder of Amazon) has “with his workers is entirely transactional: they are to give their heart and soul to Amazon, undertaking to follow Amazon’s leadership principles, set on a laminated card given to every employee, and can expect to be summarily sacked if they don’t make the grade” (2). Well, Hutton says that this relationship extends from the low-level employees to the executives. Jeff Bezos does not in any way consider the relationship he has with his employees as a factor and as something that could spur productivity. To him, an employee should give his best and only be judged based on their performance even when he is not doing anything to help them improve their productivity. Sikdar (3) reports that “Jeff Bezos has carved a fortune out of Amazon but his workers toil in deep destitution.” It is no secret that Amazon has built an empire in today’s standards but it is also no secret that they are exploiting workers all over the world and this is but a single example of how employees are being exploited in the world tod...
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