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HSM480 Module 5 Assignment: A Human Services Training Plan

Essay Instructions:

Module 5: Capstone Assignment
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A Human Services Training Plan (125 Points)
Once again, base your response to this assignment on the Case Study of a Human Service Organization, linked below. Assume that, as clinical director of the organization, you have been asked to develop a training plan to ensure that staff is adequately trained in the areas of (1) legal and ethical behavior, (2) cultural competence, (3) maintenance of professional boundaries, and (4) one other competence of your choice, which you believe to be of importance for human services professionals.
Write a description of each of the four trainings. Each description should include all of the following:
1.Title of the training
2.Length of the training
3.Location of the training
4.Staff that should attend
5.The training objectives
6.The training headings and subheadings (this is how the content of the presentation will be organized)
7.Materials that will be used in the training (handouts, videos, exercises, pre/posttest, etc.)
8.Additional sources of information on the topic.
Cite and integrate at least three sources to support your analysis and/or position(s), at least one of which was not required reading for one of your B.S. Human Services core courses. Your paper should be three to four pages in length, with citation formatting per CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.
Posted Tue 25 Apr 2017 at 2:17 pm
Case Study of a Human Service Organization

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Sciences
(1) The title will be a Legal and Ethical Behavior. The length of the training takes at least two days for the participants, which are composed of applicants. The location of the training will be in the conference room of the police department’s office wherein it can cater at least 50 members to occupy the seats. The staff that should attend is the police officers who will be briefing about the laws as well as the lawyers and the members of the court to explain the consequences of violating the laws. The training objective is to promote ethical and legal responsibilities in the workplace, household, and in public areas to prevent facing sanctions by the law. The training headings will be the title of the activity, application, consequences, benefits, and disadvantages. The subheadings will be the laws applicable for ethical responsibilities, equipment, and demonstrations of such laws. The materials are leaflets, discussion board, books, handouts, videos, images, classroom, chair, chalk, white board, Pentel pen, computer, laptop, television screen, speakers, connectors, and other electrical apparatus(Iordanou, et al., 2017).
(2) The title of the training will be cultural competence training. The length of the cultural training competence will be two days. One day for the discussion and one day for the return demonstration. The location of the training will be applied in the cultural center convention center where the participants will be discussing cultural medium and applications as well as to demonstrate the cultural application and norms. The staff that should attend is the tourism board of the local government, along with anthropologists, historians, sociology professors, and indigent members of the society. Staff that should attend is students, local tourism council personnel, and leaders of the local government units. The objective of the training is to provide a sustainable and accessible cultural competence by means of understanding the rituals, practices, customs, norms, belief, and practices. The training subheadings are history, background, belief, practices, norms, and culture. Subheadings involve the type of cultures, indigents, music, fashion garments, furniture, arts, literature, architecture, tools, and traditions that are relevant to the training. Materials that will be used are videos, exercises, books, images, return demonstration materials, props, musical instruments, garments, computers, and electronic mobile devices (Popovich & Jinks, 2014).
(3) The third training is entitled as the maintenance of professional boundaries. The length of the training will take place at least one day. The location of the training will be in the classroom setting where it can shelter at least 40 participants in a certain training period. The staff that should attend is a newly employed staff of local government units, private organizations, and graduating students who will be oriented about the basic foundations of their work responsibiliti...
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