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HSM480 Module 4: Analysis of the Center for Self-Actualization (CSA)

Essay Instructions:

A Human Services Program (125 Points)
Base your response to this assignment on the document Case Study of a Human Service Organization, found in this week
Module 4: Capstone Assignment
A Human Services Program (125 Points)
Base your response to this assignment on the document Case Study of a Human Service Organization, found in this week's folder. Assume that you are the development director for the Center. You have been approached by the executive director, chief financial officer, and clinical director who believe it is time to expand the counseling program to address an unmet need. After further discussion, it is determined that the organization would like to expand services to reach out to women of color who are struggling with substance abuse and/or mental illness. In a well-organized critical essay:
Develop two to three program outcomes or overall goals of the new program.
Determine the major program interventions, staff need, and delivery components (how often, where, how many people to be served, eligibility requirements, etc.).
Search http://grants(dot)gov (or other program funding database) for potential funding options, select an option, and explain/defend your choice.
Identify and describe each the following:
Organization that is providing the funding and oversight
Title of the grant
Maximum amount awarded and length of the grant
Eligibility requirements as they relate to the fictitious human service organization and program
Application due date
Major components of the application – who will be responsible for completing these within the organization?
Provide a timeline, with key responsibilities and parties, for application completion.
Cite and integrate at least three sources to support your analysis and/or position(s), at least one of which was not required reading for one of your BS Human Services core courses. Your paper should be three to four pages in length, with citation formatting per CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.
Posted Tue 25 Apr 2017 at 2:17 pm
Case Study of a Human Service Organization

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Analysis of the Center for Self-Actualization (CSA)
Date of submission
Analysis of the Center for Self-Actualization (CSA)
Summary of CSA program
The CSA was founded in 1989 to assist people to go through and accomplish the different levels of needs to reach their highest potential. However, to fully understand and care for people's needs, such organizations have to demonstrate the different principles that are needed to achieve care successfully.
Goals of the new program
* Ideally, the organization usually provide services that meet human needs in the form of case management, behavioral health and Transitional Supportive Housing Program which are more adaptable. The essay herein presents an analysis of CSA and its care strategies.
* To successfully provide all service, CSA has different personnel involved have specialized skills in case management, behavioral health, and TSHP.
* Besides, they have the knowledge, attitude, and skills which enable them to provide client-oriented services.
Major program interventions
* Based on the document presented, it is noted that CSA follows a single point criterion. The management focuses on clients uniquely to ensure single point responsibility for the person targeted who get the services to meet the needs. It has a good structure single service for continuity (Amani & Shabahang, 2017).
* The management typically follows the stipulated protocols and procedures to mobilize the resources through a negotiated formal system as well as ensuring that appropriate network is followed. Such networks may include self-help groups, three-quarter-way houses, and neighbors among others.
* Through this technique, CSA can assist people with different services and accomplish such activities requires proper planning, referrals in case of health problems, ensuring effective outreach, advocacy, application processes as well as coordination of operations with other service providers (Amani & Shabahang, 2017).
CSA staff need
The managers usually use their skills to identify the different options for the clients. However, the client's right of determination is the main point (Jensen, Decker & Andersen, 2006).
Consequently, the choice of the client from the options indicated usually informs the CSA experts to assist the client in accessing the chosen needs or services. This is based on a pure understanding of the person's experience and the environment they are in. For example, a person with addiction disorder has to understand the nature of substance abuse and its impacts and other related issues due to the condition. This henceforth forms the context of case management service provision since it reveals the psychosocial problems, anticipates the impacts and helps the client to get the needs. This results in the minimal level of care service necessary so that the client has a healthy life with minimal interruptions (Jensen, Decker & Andersen, 2006). The CSA uses these criteria when implementing the behavioral health services to people since it works well in individual, family, and group counseling to assist clients with problems of depression, addictions, anxiety, identity issues, career issues, coping with illness as well as disabilities. On the same note, the CSA expertise can perform the psychiatric evaluation, monitor patients under medication as well as treatment. At the same time, the peer support specialists and recovery coaches exhibit improved outcome especially on group therapy for personal growth, determination and client are planning and evaluation of choices that are productive (Jensen, Dec...
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