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How Religion Might Contribute to Social Conflict?

Essay Instructions:

Sociological Interpretation Report

This report will represent the culmination of your study of the Sociology of Religion, and it will require you to integrate the ideas, concepts, and theories that you have learned this term.  You are required to incorporate at least two Learning Resources from our course and two additional scholarly (i.e., UMGC Library) sources into your paper. (You may incorporate other sources on top of these four sources.)  This final paper is a capstone project in lieu of a final exam.  Therefore, your paper should focus on the various concepts and theories in some depth, in a way that clearly demonstrates your understanding of the course material.

Whichever option you choose, select a particular example or issue as the focal point for your paper that involves the religion that you examined in your Observation Report. (It does not need to be the particular organization you observed; rather the religion of which that organization is a part).  For example, if you choose Option 1, you could focus on local churches' efforts to provide social services in the community.  Or if you choose Option 2, you could focus on a religious vs. secular debate that creates conflict in society, such as views about gay marriage or abortion held by a particular religion. Or, you could choose a conflict within a religion; for example, whether to actively engage in protests against racism.  These are just examples.  You are welcome to choose a topic that is most interesting to you.

Option #1:  How can religion contribute to social stability?  In your view, based on the course readings and other sources, under what conditions is a religion most likely to contribute to social stability? (Notice that the questions are asking about social stability, and not individual stability.) Use a specific example from a particular religion to illustrate your points. In your opinion, how might religion contribute to the smooth functioning of society in the future?  This option will focus on the functionalist perspective. Be sure to explain the theory as part of your essay.4

Option #2:  How might religion contribute to social conflict?  In your view, based on the course readings and other sources, under what conditions is religion most likely to contribute to social conflict in the broader society? (Notice that the questions are asking about social conflict, and not individual conflict.) Use a specific example from a particular religion to illustrate your points. In your opinion, are religious differences likely to lead to more conflict in the future?  If not, why not?  Or if so, how could this conflict be reduced? This option will focus on the conflict perspective. Be sure to explain the theory as part of your essay.
You are welcome to organize your assignment in whatever what you would like, but it should be in essay form (not a list). 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sociological Interpretation of the Report: How Religion might contribute to Social Conflict?
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Sociological Interpretation of the Report: How might religion contribute to social conflict?
Religious conflicts are among the common issues of discussion. Religious conflicts are quite elusive. Its intertwining nature occasions the complexity of religious conflicts with political affiliations, imperialisms, and socio-economic dimensions. Religious violence and related wars are often subtle. Divisive discussions have existed for a long. Many people, including scholars, are confused about whether terrorist groups have religious interests, political agendas, or both. Religious conflict has a long history, where the contemporary religious manifestations in contests reflect long-standing historical developments. Religious conflict may be contemplating a hidden political agenda and socio-economic turbulence in communities and particular nations or regions. Theoretical approaches are needed to dig deeper into the issues surrounding religious conflicts. The inadequate understanding of religious conflict underpins the need for theoretical conceptualization to shed more light on unresolved, yet worrying, religious-related wars, conflicts, and terrors. This paper will argue how religion might have contributed to social conflict, explore circumstances under which religion has caused conflict, predict the future of religious conflicts, and demonstrate how such conflicts can be reduced. Conflict theory sociological theory is deployable as a prism of examining religious-associated conflict to create better understandings and guarantee practical ways of mitigating such religious-related challenges.
An explanation and application of a sociological theory
According to conflict theory, religious dominations reinforce and promote social inequality and social conflict. Religion convinces the poor to accept their lot in life, leading to hostility and violence motivated by religious variations. The approach to which religion portends conflict is far-reaching. It is not only about terrorism, bloodshed, and armed conflicts, but it also elicits other social conflicts such as gender conflicts, patriarchal societies, and oppressions, which are core elements rooted partly in social, religious fabric.
Many would argue that religion is one of the primary drivers behind increasing inequalities and conflict. Religion may have specific and non-specific benefits, but it can also reinforce and promote social inequality and conflict. The conflict theory can be traced to the works of Karl Marx, who described religion as an opiate for the masses to mean that religion makes people comfortable with prevailing conditions, even when such circumstances are intolerable (Callinicos,2011).  According to Karl Max, such comfortability was something transient. It was an unstable situation because the continuous oppression and inequality would finally lead to conflict.
Karl Max's arguments illustrate why he called upon the workers to rise against the bourgeoisie because it is the oppression and social inequities brought about by the bourgeoisie (Callinicos, 2011). According to Max, religious people view their poverty in religious terms where it is considered acceptable and sees suffering as part of life. Thus, religious persuasions often make people fail to see the capitalist class and capitalism as the root cause of conflict. Karl Marx, therefore, concludes that religion accounts for poor people's acceptance of their fate, thereby, helps in maintaining the existing system of social inequality. It should be noted that despite such perceived “religious-related calmness” against oppression, suffering, and inequity, the reality is that conflict is usually brewing.
Religious persuasions primarily drive gender and sexuality-related conflicts. In most patriarchal societies, women are often oppressed and denied certain rights (Vogel,2013). Religion in some cases and religions, reliability has been used to make women accept that they are lesser human beings. Vogel (2013) articulates this observation by saying that such “forced acceptance “perp...
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