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How People Use Sociology in Their Daily Lives

Essay Instructions:

It has been said " In order to be-or become-fully human, humans need a great deal of proficiency at taking account of others and forming relationships with them". In this light, it could be argued that you were a sociologist before you ever walked into this Sociology class. That's because the same processes through which you learned and continue to learn how to function as a "normal" member of society also taught you how to be a "practical sociologist". Discuss how you are doing "Sociology as you go through your daily life.

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Sociology's central claim is that people's everyday thoughts, actions, and feelings are the results of complex interplay between personal characteristics and massive social forces. Therefore rather than study what happens within people, sociologists analyze what happens among and between people as individuals, organizations, groups or societies (Jacobsen and Kristiansen, 2014). Sociology looks beyond individual personalities; rather it focuses on how social phenomenon influences how people shape their notions of who they think they are and what they think. With that in mind, this paper will discuss how people use sociology in their daily lives.
Family and home, church and religion, school and education, industry and work, the state and government, and community and association are areas in which society functions (Sztompka, 2008). Living and operating in these institutions makes one a socialist without going through a sociology class. Learning to act like a "regular" member of these institutions teaches one how to become a "practical socialist". Knowing the aspirations, status, motives, traditions, cultures, and customs of others makes us sociologists. This is because sociology deals with human interaction.
Analyzing various sociology concepts will help people understand how they have been sociologist just by the virtue of living in a world surrounded by other beings. Social existence is dynamic. The metaphor of social ‘life' embraces this feature very well. In the literal sense, like life, social existence never ends because once it ends it is not life. Simply put, it is dynamic, it is not just a way of persistence, constant functioning, or operation, but it is also a manner of driving productive, long-range changes of social transformations and processes.
In the modern society, one might see many things by just looking around. All these things happen in people's lives. People may not have the ability to observe social classes, macro-objects, institutions, or states. It is notable that individuals may also not be able to observe motivations, intentions, or micro-meanings of human actions. However, at the level of daily life, there is a ‘spectrum of visibility'. On one end, one can find unprompted, but culturally tainted body language, gestures as well as the entire technical and civilizational ‘design' of our environment (evident in our big modern cities) (Sztompka, 2008). On the other end, there are various pictures purposefully created to pass messages or meanings: pictures in magazines and journals, billboards and commercials.
In between one may find intentional stylizations of people, ‘self-presentations' whose purpose is to convey certain information about their lifestyle and status: style of conduct, ways of speaking or acting, fashions and brands, and products they use to impress others (Jacobsen and Kristiansen, 2014). These include the Rolex watches some individuals wear, the cars they drive and where they live. Observation is a great part of sociology; thus, anyone who can observe such things is a sociologist.
The intellectual developments in sociology reflect a new phenomena emerging in modern society at the beginning of this century. People are becoming increasingly aware of their rapidly changing new ‘life world'. The emerging qualities of social life can be summarized under various labels like: globalization, technological changes (particularly of transportation and communication), flexible forms of work, consumerism, mega-urbanization, and expansions of risk and transformations of intimacy (Sztompka, 2008). An excellent indicator of these social changes can be seen in the evolution of ...
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