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How Intersectionality Affects an Individuals Human Sexuality

Essay Instructions:

Purpose: Take a "deep dive" into how intersectionality affects an individuals human sexuality.


Choose a human sexuality topic and discuss it in the context of intersectionality. Research the topic and develop your project by critically discussing how intersectionality can affect a person's lived experiences. A minimum of 3 reputable sources are required -- one for each point (or content paragraph)(References are not included in the page minimum/maximum). IMPORTANT NOTE: This is NOT an opinion (or persuasive) project; it is more of a research project. While you can absolutely integrate personal experience into your project, you also need to support the experiences with research.

*What is a reputable source?

Journal articles,

Reputable web pages (e.g., CDC, WHO, typically .org sites, etc.) and newspapers (e.g., NYT, Washington Post, Columbus Dispatch, etc.) are usable sources for this paper.

Note, if you are using a source with a .com, be cautious with the information as the source may not be considered reputable, they may be skewed.

Blogs, opinion articles, etc. are NOT considered reputable sources

Wikipedia is not considered a reputable source for this paper.

Wikipedia can be used as a starting point, but not an end point. Wikipedia (Links to an external site.) even says how Wikipedia is not a credible source for academic use!

What to do:

Choose 1 human sexuality topic and compare/contrast how 2 populations may experience the topic based on research -- NOTE, one population can be how you identify. Each "population" should entail 2-3 identities.

Identities can include: Race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, SES, (dis)ability, and country of origin. (NOTE: If there is another identity you would like to research, please ask Dr. Miller first).

Here are a few ideas, yet know these are just ideas. Students can choose their own topic and populations.

Topic = Coming out/Inviting In

Populations to compare/contrast lived experiences:

Yourself compared to a population different than you. For instance, if you identify as a Gay, White cisgender male, you may choose to research how a this population may experience the coming out/inviting in process as well as share your experiences. Then you would choose a population different than how you identify, say hetersexual, Black transgender female may experience the coming out/inviting in process.

You could look at how heteronormativity influences the coming out/inviting in process for a heterosexual, cisgender White male compared to a gay, cisgender Latino male.

Discuss how each population may experience the coming out/inviting in process, again you must have research to support your work. What are the similarities/differences? What are the societal expectations? What challenges might a population encounter based on a specific identity? How might intersectionality affect each persons lived experience? What other factors affect their lived experience?

b. Topic: Access to Abortion (NOTE: This is not your opinion on if abortion should or should not be legal, rather how various populations might be affected for easy or not so easy access to abortion. For instance, a low-income, White cisgender female compared to a high-income Black cisgender female... who is more likely to be able to access an abortion if they wanted one or needed one to save their life?)

c. Topic: Marriage in the U.S. (e.g., how might an cisgender, heterosexual Black male experience the societal expectations of marriage compared to a Black, gay, transgender male?)

That is the purpose of this project is to gain insights into experiences people have and how these experiences differ based on areas of their life they do not have control over -- social construction of idenity. Finding personal experiences via blogs, videos, articles, etc. can be utilized in addition to the above 3 required sources.

How to present the project?

Format: Be creative in your presentation. Students can choose to do any of the following:

Paper format: Minimum of 2.5 pages and a maximum of 5 pages, double-spaced, 1” margins, 12-pt Times New Roman font. Paragraph form. (References are not including in page minimum/maximum)

PPT presentation (or prezi or something similar) with voice over (minimum of 7 minutes, maximum of 10 minutes). A full transcript must be submitted with your presentation.

Video presentation (e.g., TEDx-like or Pecha Kucha style) (minimum of 7 minutes, maximum of 10 minutes). A full transcript must be submitted with your presentation.

Another route – please ask if you have other ideas on the format, I’m happy to consider them.

For all options, you choose your formatting style for citations and references (e.g., APA, MLA, etc.), yet they should follow the same style throughout your writings/presentation. I would HIGHLY recommend utilizing what is generally acceptable for your field of choice (e.g., Education, Engineering, Social sciences, etc.).

The paper/presentation should be separated into sections based on the populations you choose.

Recommended Steps to Complete:

STEP 1: Choose a Topic:

See above for ideas. It MUST include a human sexuality topic and it MUST include 2 populations with 2-3 identities (e.g., gender, race, sexual orientation, etc.).

Step 2: Initial perceptions

Prior to researching your topic, jot down your perceptions of what you might find in regards to challenges, power balance, access, societal pressures/expectations, etc. Save this information for the final prompt for the project.

Final Prompt: At the end of the project, look back at your initial perceptions. In 1-2 paragraphs (NOTE: a paragraph is a minimum of 5 full/complete sentences) discuss your perceptions prior to researching the topic and your perceptions after researching the topic. How have your perceptions been affected by what you learned/gained from your research?

STEP 3: Research your topic. Sources/Support: A minimum of 3 reputable sources are required, in addition to any personal stories you find with your population. Please see above on what constitutes a reputable source.

STEP 4: Follow the general outline to develop your project

Introduction to the paper (less than a half a page). This section should introduce your topic and what you will be discussing (5 points; part of “organization/formatting/following requirements”)

Discuss your first population (include support). (25 points)

Discuss your second population (include support). (25 points)

Provide a solid compare/contrast (including a discussion on how intersectionality could play a role in lived experiences) on the above 2 populations (include support). (20 points)

Conclusion and include your response to the final prompt. (5 points; part of “organization/formatting/following requirements”)

References (not included in the page minimum/maximum)

Remaining 20 points include: Formatting/flow (5 points), following the requirements (10 points), and includes solid support with reputable sources (5 points).

STEP 5: Write/develop a draft of your mini-project. NOTE, if you are doing a recording, make sure you are well-prepared and have a script written out.

STEP 6: Proofread your draft and revise as needed.

STEP 7: Double check you followed the formatting requirements and paper requirements.

STEP 8: Submit

Essay Sample Content Preview:

How Intersectionality Affects an Individuals Human Sexuality
Student Name
Institutional Affiliation
How Intersectionality Affects an Individuals Human Sexuality
Intersectionality denotes a framework for understanding how different forms of oppression impact people who belong to more than one marginalized group (Bowleg, 2012). Individuals experience life in different ways hence they cannot be reduced to a single aspect of their identity. In the arena of sexuality, intersectionality can assist in understanding how a person’s various identities like gender, race, and sexuality intersect to affect their sexual experience. In society, heteronormativity refers to what makes heterosexuality seem natural and privileged. Heteronormativity assumes that sexual and marital relations are most appropriate for individuals of the opposite sex. This analysis focuses on the experience of coming out and inviting in a white male heterosexual compared to a black female lesbian.
Because of heteronormativity, LGTBQ+ individuals face challenges revealing their sexual orientation. Hence, ‘coming out’ denotes the process where LGTBQ+ people let their sexual or gender identity be known both privately and publicly. ‘Inviting in’ on the other hand provides LGTBQ+ individuals the power and choice to choose who they want to share their sexuality or gender identity with (Guittar, 2013). The experience of coming out and inviting in a white male heterosexual and a black female lesbian could lead to discrimination. When a male heterosexual or female lesbian reveals their non-heterosexual identity, they may face stigma from society which expects all people to be heterosexuals. Both people may be excluded from societal aspects like employment and housing because of identifying as non-heterosexuals. However, a white male heterosexual may experience less stigma compared to a black female lesbian. The former may be readily acceptable compared to the latter coming out as gay.
Societal expectations will differ for a white male heterosexual and a black female lesbian. The expectation for a white male heterosexual is that he will continue conforming to societal norms. Since heteronormativity such a person, he will be expected to maintain the current state. Any deviation will attract criticism from the section of society that does not embrace non-heterosexuality. For the black female lesbian, society will expect her to continue hiding her sexual orientation. Coming out will attract a lot of criticism, particularly given that she is also a woman. Society will judge her harshly combated to the white heterosexual male for coming out and displaying her ‘deviance.’
A population might encounter challenges based on a specific identity. For instance, females may experience sexualization and dehumanization in a society that does not value women. Papageorgiou, Fisher, and Cross (2022) demonstrate that the media has sexualized and objectified women. Additionally, black...
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