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How Functionalism, Conflict Theory, and Symbolic Interactionism Explain Unemployment

Essay Instructions:

Describe how these theories help explain the existence of your chosen social problem and its continued impact on society:


Conflict Theory

Symbolic Interactionism

___ believes that the redemptive work of Christ offers hope of restoration to individuals, families, communities, and societies. Explain how someone with the Christian Worldview might approach reasoning for the social problem as well as the hope of alleviating the social problem.

Conclude your essay with a statement of how society works according to functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism.

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Explaining Unemployment
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Explaining Unemployment
Unemployment is a social problem describing the state of not having a job, but actively seeking employment and being available to work (Brand, 2015). Three main theories in sociology that can be used to understand unemployment as a social problem are functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism.
According to functionalists, unemployment exists because it serves important functions for society. Unemployment may act as a safety valve, allowing people to leave jobs that are not a good fit for them and find new, more suitable employment. Additionally, unemployment regulates the economy and keeps wages from getting too high (Aruzza, 2016). However, functionalists also recognize that unemployment has negative consequences for individuals and society. Unemployment causes poverty, social unrest, and a lack of economic growth. Therefore, functionalists argue that society must work to minimize the negative effects of unemployment while still allowing it to serve its positive functions.
The conflict theory posits that unemployment exists because the capitalist system is inherently exploitative and creates a surplus of labor. Owners of capital in society have control over the means of production and exploit the working class by paying them less than the value of their labor, a process that creates unemployment (Block, 2021). Conflict theorists argue that unemployment disproportionately affects marginalized groups and perpetuates social inequality. The continued impact of unemployment on society, from this perspective, is that it perpetuates social inequality and creates a permanent underclass of people who cannot access the resources and opportunities they need to improve their lives.
Symbolic interactionism holds that unemployment exists and continues to impact due to the meanings and attitudes that society attaches to it. The unemployed are often stigmatized and labeled as "failures" or "lazy" by others, which can make it difficult for them to find new employment (Ezzy, 2017). Additionally, the experience of unemployment can lead to feelings of rejection, hopelessness, and a loss of s...
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