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Homework Assignment #8: Making Foreign Policy Decisions

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Homework Assignment #8: Making Foreign Policy Decisions

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Homework 8
Institutional Affiliation
Foreign policy should incorporate a mixture of several perspectives. In a globalized world, different countries have both similar and various social, economic and political interests. These interests determine their actions and policy they follow. First, a country needs to observe self-interests for survival. By the U.S choosing to keep their nuclear weapons, instead of keeping the agreement signed in 1968 for countries with nuclear weapons to destroy them after the 9/11 attack. The U.S move is paramount for its protection. Second, the responsibility a country has suffices morals. In instances of war, useful aspects of ordering soldiers to fulfill their mission at all cost, may not observe morality of protecting all civilians thoroughly, when some are injured or killed but is acceptable.
When making foreign policy decisions, a nation can deal with others with conflicting values by first, utilizing communication to clarify the situation. Communication enables parties to arrive at a similar conclusion regarding goals, beliefs and perceptions of a situation and finding a balance in the middle. Second, they should create a position where they request a party to give simple responses towards a situation with outlined outcomes of each question. Moreover, a government can involve itself in an exchange with such a country by making attractive offers on a particular interest the country has.
Q. 3
The international relations codes of ethics should include; Consistency, a code of ethics that governs the transactions made to ensure the upholding of confidence, transparency, and good faith. It is vital as it eliminates disputes, increases reconciliation and limits cases of war. Observing of the legal rules is also paramount since different nations have different beliefs and cultur...
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