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LGBT Project: How Do You Feel About Your Sexuality?

Essay Instructions:

first,One-page long project plan
the lesbian who got interviewed called Baixue, english name as Alia.
fellow project grading sheet.
here is some information from professor please read as well.
As your project will be due in a few weeks, I wanted to send a few notes. 1) The project must be 6 pages long, and this does NOT include the Appendix or a References page....in other words, the text itself is 6 pages, double-spaced, 1" margins, 12-point font. 2) You are asked to provide 3 hypotheses that your questions will help answer....be specific. In fact, it's best if you number them like this:" Hypothesis 1: Because YXXY has come out to their mother, I hypothesize that YXXY has concerns about telling their father." Under Results, you are asked to write about whether your 3 hypotheses were correct or not, so referring back to the hypotheses is important: "I found that YXXY is not really concerned about coming out to their father, but just hasn't had the time, so my hypothesis was not correct." 3) Remember that you need to include 3 class sources to discuss what you found....this can be the text, the ODDLY NORMAL book, lectures, and other materials you read. 4) Please use APA Style in your paper. There is information about this if you don't know what it is under Final Project Information.
Use Spellcheck to be sure you don't have mistakes and check your grammar. Do not use informal language in your paper....such as "My interviewee was cool with telling friends," or "It was no big deal for them to come out." Also, it's best to have someone else read it before you hand it in. It's hard to find errors in what we write ourselves....ALSO, don't include unnecessary information about the person you interview....
If you have questions, best to save them for class, so that everyone can find out what's expected. If you have a question, others do too....

Essay Sample Content Preview:

`with the number of LGBT community increasing globally, this has also seen the number of LGBT people who are more than willing to come out publicly and about their feelings and identities. According to Savin-William & Ream (2003), LGBT people do consider disclosure of their sexual orientation to their friends and family members as something quite significant for them. The society is also slowly becoming friendlier to them and this has made it even easier for them to talk about themselves publicly. According the study that was recently conducted, it was discovered that most of young Americans are now more than willing to disclose their LGBT Identities. Despite the fact that the LGBT people are slowly being embraced within the society, they are still facing challenges of discrimination and physical abuse. This project is geared towards interviewing a lesbian by the name Alia Baixue. Alia is an American lesbian who is willing to speak the challenges that LGBT are facing in the society and how their sexual orientation has affected her relationship with her parents. In this project, the outcome will be analyzed and compared with the previous studies. The outcome of this project will be compared with the lessons that were discussed in the class. I will also find out if the challenges that lesbians are going through conforms to the issues that we learnt in class or not. At the end of this project, I assume that: she will first talk about her mother’s feelings towards her public disclosure of her sexual orientation. As Savin-Williams (2005), points out that most people confides to their mothers first as compared to speaking with both parents at the same time. Secondly, I assume that her mother will understand and accommodate her more than her father. Thirdly, she is more than willing to share her sexual orientation with her friends than her parents.
Procedure for the Interview
The participant in this project is not someone whom I don’t know properly and therefore I will have to be very careful. The interview was conducted in her place and I must admit it was first terrifying to come face to face with a lesbian. I didn’t know how she would react if I asked her some incriminating questions, but to my disappointment she was very friendly and more than willing to speak openly about sexuality and her relationship with her parents.
Q. How do you feel about your sexuality?
A. I will begin by first saying that this is a question that I have had to answer in more than one occasion. To answer you straight away and genuinely, I am a woman and therefore I have feelings like any other woman outside there. Biologically I function as a normal woman would do like having to attend menstruation period regularly. The fact that I am lesbian which I am not afraid to say, it is my choice to be a lesbian and I am not intending to go against by choice. I divided questions into different parts, that is her coming out to speak openly about her sexual orientation into family members and friends. The outcome of the interview will be as follows:
Q. How Does Your Family Feel about your Sexuality?
A. I would be very factual and open with you about this question. My family members have never come into terms with the fact that I chose to be a lesbian and specifically my father who is a staunch Christian has disowned me and he does not want anything to do with me. Although I don’t like the way how the entire issue has turned out to be, I don’t regret my sexuality. I am a lesbian and am happy about it. I love him as my father and I am really sympathizing with my mother who seems to be deeply affected with my decision to be a lesbian.
Q. How do your friends feel about your sexuality?
A. There are some of my friends who are straight and they are not comfortable about my sexuality but they have accepted the fact that I was born lesbian and it is my own life. However, I am also having my friends who are homosexuals and we are getting along well with each. Sorry I was forgetting, there was my childhood friend and we were very close to one another, but when he realized that I am a lesbian, he stopped my friendship with him.
Q. Do people sometimes discriminate you because of your sexuality?
A. Yes, there are some people who are intolerant and they treat me as an outcast. As a matter of fact, in my own neighborhood majority of people are discriminating against me and they do not like associating themselves with me. A case in point, there was this day when I went out for shopping and the sho...
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