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Homelessness from the Point of View of Sociological Imagination Summary

Essay Instructions:

For this assessment task you will be required to write an essay using the research you have already conducted in written assignment 1 while implementing the feedback from the Online Learning Activity.

The essay question for this assessment is:

C. Wright Mills stated that the ‘sociological imagination’ involved making a link between personal troubles and public issues and identified unemployment as one example of this link. Explain the ‘sociological imagination’ and use another example to show how personal troubles are linked to public issues.

Remember to employ the four aspects of the sociological imagination (historical, cultural, structural and critical)

Take note of the instruction words in the essay question:

Explain: Clarify a topic by giving a detailed account of what is meant by the use of this term. Your writing should have clarity so that complex procedures can be understood, defining key terms where appropriate, and be substantiated with relevant research.

To show: Present, in a logical order, the stages and combination of factors that give rise to something, substantiated by relevant evidence.

You will be required to consult at least four academic peer-reviewed sociological texts. To achieve a Distinction or High Distinction grade, it would be expected that you have used more than the required number of sources in a sophisticated way.

Remember to employ the four aspects of the sociological imagination (historical, cultural, structural and critical).

Remember to consult the Course Readings tab for additional resources. You are allowed to use the additional readings from the course readings.

Remember to consult the LibGuides included in the week three and six readings.

Remember that there are many ways to do Harvard referencing, in this course you should use the LibGuide that was set as a required reading in week three.

Refer to the assessment criteria prior to submitting your assessment task. Make sure that you have addressed each one of the criteria.

As a rule of thumb, formatting for submission is Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman font, in size 12. Lines should be 1.5 or 2.0 space with left alignment. It is good to put your name, student number, class code (i.e. EPHUMA154) and assignment name in the bottom footer along with the page number.

Word (.doc, .docx) or PDF (.pdf) only can be uploaded to Turnitin. This system will not accept Pages (.pages) format. It is your responsibility to ensure that you convert a pages (.pages) file for submission. You can download Microsoft Word to your Windows or Mac computer from you Numail account.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Homelessness from the Point of View of Sociological Imagination
Student Name
Program Name or Degree Name (e.g., Master of Science in Nursing)
COURSE XXX: Title of Course
Instructor Name
Month XX, 202X
Homelessness from the Point of View of Sociological Imagination
Social imagination refers to an individual’s ability to see things from a social point of view. According to Wright Mills, sociological imagination involves making links between personal troubles and public issues CITATION Mil59 \p 45 \l 2057 (Mills, 1959, p. 45). From this point of view, Mills argued that some of the personal predicaments like unemployment faced by individuals in society are associated with the broader issues within the society. The historical, cultural, structural, and critical context of society is the key aspect of the sociological imagination and plays a significant role in determining how individuals suffer a certain problem. Homelessness, for instance, is among the key problems facing the global population, and its prevalence can be linked to broader issues in society.
According to research findings by Habitat for Humanity, 25% of the global population live in conditions that pose serious health risks CITATION Dav171 \p 7 \l 2057 (Davis, 2017, p. 7). The problem goes beyond those affected because it puts pressure on public resources like the school and health care system. The effect is therefore burdened by society in the end. Homelessness is often blamed on individuals who are living in the streets. Some corners are perceived as lazy, uneducated, and unmotivated, implying that homelessness is a personal choice CITATION Mab17 \l 2057 (Mabhala, Yohannes, & Griffith, 2017). However, there are several ways in which the personal predicaments of homelessness are linked with societal factors. When society blames the victims, it hides from the fact that there are key societal issues that lead to homelessness.
Structural Factors
From a structural point of view, homelessness is caused by several factors, including the cost of education, unemployment, poverty, failures in the foster care system, and shortcomings of the health care system. Education, for instance, is among the key ways in which people can be elevated out of poverty CITATION Pia14 \l 2057 (Piat, Polvere, & Kirst, 2014). The cost of education makes it difficult for poor populations to pursue opportunities to provide income that will cover housing. Healthcare costs are also a major factor, especially in countries like the United States, where thousands run into poverty due to health-related expenses. Poverty may lead to loss of housing, leading to homelessness. Failures in the foster care system result in individuals who are unstable mentally and psychologically. These individuals face problems because they are unable to secure housing throughout their life. In the United States, the prevalence of systemic racism and inequality is a major determinant factor that causes some people to be homeless, especially from minority and low-income communities.
Cultural Factors
Cultural factors also play a significant role in homelessness. For instance, when society stigmatizes mental health problems and substance abuse tendencies, the result...
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