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The history of philosophy and the western civilization

Essay Instructions:


Discuss ideas and theories of Democritus-Anaxagoras and Anaximander on the structure of the cosmos,

their style of reasoning and their theories (such as the "reasonable cause" principle). Feel free to postulate on

the influence of their ideas on modern scientific reasoning and basic theories. Since there is a lot more on

Democritus and in more detail than on Anaximander, feel free to give more emphasis on either one.


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Democritus-Anaxagoras and Anaximander ideas on the structure of the cosmos and their style of reasoning and their theories
The history of philosophy and the western civilization
The history of philosophy and the western civilization can be traced back to ancient Greece. Religious mythology was used for philosophical speculation; hence religion was a powerful social force that shaped human view to understand nature and the cosmos. The first philosophers moved beyond the traditional mythological explanation of the world, stressing on rationality and unity of things. It's from several philosophers like Thales, Anaximander and Anaximenes explanations that jumpstarted the Greek philosophy, including their cosmologies which did not attribute the creation of the world to god's powers.
Famous philosophers of ancient Greece, including Thales, Anaximander, and Anaximenes attempt to explain what the universe is made of. Thales believed that everything was water based on its appearance and its visible form change. The main question he attempted to examine was the force that afforded the change. For him, he believed that substances were the actual things that existed and seen under the layers of changes (Izady, n.d). What Thales answered was the status of appearance and how it was related to substance.
Another philosopher Anaximenes theorized that sources of everything came from condensed and expanded air and all is air. Pythagoras a famous philosopher presented the mathematical relation to explaining reality (Izady, n.d). Heraclitus, who lived between c. 540–c. 480 BCE generated the ideology of binary oppositional existence, arguing that the world we ever-changing and was held together by a unifying ideology of logos. He stated that reality did not exist as an Arche; instead, it was the unity of opposites that occurred when two faces the same reality (Izady, n.d). According to Heraclitus, the ever-changing world around us was only held together through a unifying principle. He stated that "All existing entities are pairs of contrary properties. No entity may ever occupy a single state at a single time. Thus, all entities come to be in accordance with these logos" (Izady, n.d).
He believed that the state of equilibrium of the opposite sides is where reality existed. Some of his famous quotes include that with the ever-changing world "no man ever steps in the same river twice". "Although logos are one and commonly shared, most people live as if they had their own private one!" (Izady, n.d). Similarly, Parmenides, who lived between 515 - 450 BC also attempted to explain the existence of the universe stating that it’s one unchanging thing that exists which is indivisible. For him, the way of truth was one; hence the truth was unchangeable, timeless, uniform, and necessary and was immutable (Izady, n.d).
Parmenides explained that the world of reality was about one's sensory leading to the conception which can be false and deceitful. However, since the truth was immutable, then motion which is immutable makes it impossible because of its plurality. This is the same idea supported by Zeno, who asserted that motion was not possible on an unlimited scale (Izady, n.d).
Avicenna rejected Parmenides argument of cosmos stating that the idea of omnipotent, omnipresent, omnibenevolent, which is one, could not explain the order of the cosmos as a continuum of time without ceasing to be immutable (Izady, n.d). It is Empedocles, who presented the idea of forces as distinct from matter terming it as the physical cause of natural phenomena. Empedocles viewed the cosmos to have existed in a dynamic equilibrium between opposing forces and motions taking place when one of the other forces predominated and reestablishing the equilibrium (Izady, n.d). It is Empedocles, who first perceived the idea that light could not be transmitted immediately; it only took time to travel (Izady, n.d).
Ideas and theories of Democritus-Anaxagoras and Anaximander on the structure of the cosmos
Further efforts were made by two philosophers Democritus-Anaxagoras and Anaximander to make inquiries on the nature and the infrastructure of the known cosmos. These intellectuals formed a specific pattern that reacted to and was majorly influenced by earlier ideologies of Empedocles. The major concern was to understand the nature of what composed the universe presenting varied thoughts. It is Anaximander that established the boundary between mythology and science, providing explanations and sufficient cause. Anaximander stated that the "Earth remains at the center of the universe because there is no sufficient reason for it to move in one direction or another" (Izady, n.d). It is this principle that has been applied to monism to all life forms and to explain the natural processes, especially the meteorological phenomena (Izady, n.d).
Anaxagoras introduced the ratio of the basic component; he departed from Empedocles ideas focusing on the notion of affluence by tracing other substances found in the nature. According to Democritus-Anaxagoras, based on the original state, the cosmos was a mixture that contained all ingredients but was not a uniform because some ingredients had a higher concentration than the others based on the place (Izady, n.d). The mixture was set in motion by the mind, and the whirling motion shifted separating the ingredients, hence producing the cosmos of separate materials with different properties that are recognized today (Izady, n.d).
Anaxagoras principle of everything in everything stated that sense cannot be trusted and obvious change was as a result of just an illusion of the unchanging, timeless and indestructible ingredients of the universe. For him it was impossible for things to come into being, but also cease to exist (Izady, n.d). Anaxagoras principle of everything in everything ...
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