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Energy as a future energy source. Nuclear Energy. Biomass Energy

Essay Instructions:

Since ENV 100-11D is a writing-intensive course, an important component of the course is a five-page, double-spaced “research paper.”  Students will be choose one of the forms of energy discussed in the “Nonrenewable Energy” and “Renewable Energy” chapters in a “Changing Planet” and write a research paper focused on the efficacy of using that form of energy as a future energy source. 

Information from “A Changing Planet” may be used for background information on the student’s chosen form of energy, but students are expected to use at least four additional, scholarly resources as sources for their research paper. By scholarly resource, I mean journal articles and textbooks that have been peer reviewed (i.e., reviewed by other scholars for accuracy). Peer reviewed textbooks and journal articles typically have a list of references at their end. Articles in popular magazines (Time, Newsweek, etc.), Wikipedia, videos, newspapers, websites, etc. are not considered scholarly resources.

Students will submit two drafts of the paper: a complete first draft and then a final draft of the research paper.  Due dates for the two drafts are shown on the course schedule/calendar on Canvas.  Due dates are firm.  If the due date for the first-draft is missed, for whatever reason, a student’s final grade for the paper will be lowered by 10% for every day that the first-draft is late. Final drafts will not be accepted – for any reason – after the due date for the final draft.

oEach draft of the semester paper will be carefully reviewed and commented-on.  On each phase (draft) of the semester paper students will be provided with instruction and coaching in the following areas: command of the subject matter, clarity, organization, correctness, and effectiveness of expression.

oThe final grade for the paper will reflect an assessment of both the overall quality of the paper, and improvement in a student’s writing.  The semester paper is worth 20% of your grade in the course. Your paper when completed should be approximately five pages in length (excluding figures and bibliography, etc.).  It must be double-spaced, with a font size of 12, and you may use either the "Courier,” "Times New Roman,” or "Arial" font type. 

oWith respect to referencing your sources -- you are to use the referencing style prescribed in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), which is available in the reference section of the Jackson Library. (Click here to view a quick reference sheet on the APA Manual.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Energy as a Future Energy Source
Students Name:
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Energy as a Future Energy Source
There ae various sources of energy that occurs naturally, and are classified into two distinct categories: non-renewable and renewable. Non-renewable energy includes coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear, which are in limited supplies. This kind of sources are referred to as non-renewable because they cannot be replenished and are available in scarcity. In addition, non-renewable sources are typically found in the underground layers of the earth and very costly to harvest. On the other hand, renewable energy refers to sources that are replenished by the environment regularly. Renewable sources are preferable to use because they tend to renew within a short period of time, hence reliable and sustainable. Unlike the non-renewable sources, renewable sources are found near the surface of the earth. The five major examples of renewable energy include solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, biomass, battery cells and fuel cells. The paper focuses on the efficacy of nuclear energy and biomass fuels as a non-renewable and renewable respectively.
Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is one of the most effective forms of non-renewable source of energy that originates from the chemical forces that holds the nucleus of an atom together. Inside a chemical element such as uranium, there are clouds of electrons that are bombarding around a central nucleus containing protons and neutrons. Since all electronics are characterized by a negative charge, they circle around the nucleus by the positive charge of the protons, hence helping the atoms to hold together (Elliott, 2016). Atoms in nuclei split to recombine and generate large amount of energy during nuclear reactions. For the case of heavier elements, they split in a process called fission to release large amounts of energy. For an atom to split under fission, it has to be hit by a neutron (Elliott, 2016). The neutron is automatically released to hit the nearby atoms, hence triggering a split and a subsequent release nuclear energy. By contrast, lighter elements react by splitting combining its atoms in a process called fusion. Fusion is practically applied by combining small atoms such as Helium and Hydrogen (Elliott, 2016). Fusion reactions have the capacity to release more energy than fission without releasing harmful components in the atmosphere (Elliott, 2016). Commercial generation of energy under fusion is not yet developed due to its high cost involvement. Fusion nuclear reactions are deemed more efficient than fission generated energy because they are limitless, have low pollution level and are non-proliferative energy.
The technology of nuclear energy production was first developed in Manhattan, USA, although it was majorly used in the manufacturing of nuclear bombs in World War II (Neff, 2015). After the World War II, nuclear energy was used to provide energy for submarines and other engines in the army and navy. The technology was later transferred to the public for commercial purpose where it was used to provide electricity used in power plants and households (Neff, 2015). Commercial nuclear energy is harnessed in facilities called nuclear through fission reactions. The common chemical elements in this reaction are uranium and plutonium. Specifically, 235 U and 239 Pu are the appropriate types of uranium and plutonium that are recommended (Neff, 2015). For example, two pounds of Pu fuels can generate sufficient grid of electricity that can serve over a thousand households in a year (Neff, 2015). In the USA, nuclear reactors produce only 20% of electricity, an indication that the technology is not fully tapped (Neff, 2015).
Nuclear power is regarded as one of the most efficient sources of energy compared to others burning fossils. One of the reason is that nuclear energy is reliable and limitless because the amount of energy released from a single gram of uranium is more than the energy produced by coals and fuels (Elliott, 2016). Precisely nuclear power is 8000 times more efficient than other major types of non- renewable energy. For example, an average nuclear capacity factor of 91% surpasses other forms of energy by a great margin. Also, nuclear energy is regarded as more efficient because it does not release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere during its production, therefore posing less harm in the fragile atmosphere (Forinash, 2017). So...
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