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Health Issue Regarding Women of Color’s Mental Health

Essay Instructions:

Please submit your final TOC as a PDF file here (e.g. you can export from a PPT). However, you will be *presenting* your TOC (which is also a part of this grade - not just the TOC by itself).

Submission is due the day before the class in which presentations will begin (4/3).

Please submit your final TOC as a PDF file here (e.g. you can export from a PPT). However, you will be *presenting* your TOC on Flipgrid (which is also a part of this grade - not just the TOC by itself). See guidelines attached here for further details!

2 points: Interventions

Clear, relevant set of interventions which are thoughtfully categorized within the socio-ecological model

2 points: Outcomes and Goal

Clear, relevant, relatively comprehensive, logical set of outcomes which are thoughtfully connected to reach a clear, relevant, logical goal(s

2 points: Assumptions and Indicators

Clear, relevant, relatively comprehensive, logical set of indicators and assumptions placed in appropriate locations across the entirety of the TOC

2 points: Style

TOC is neat, easy to read and understand, well organized and styled with all core components

2 points: Presentation

Met the presentation time limit (5 min), and provided a clear, confident, convincing explanation of all components of the TOC

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Subject and Section
Professor’s name
Public Health Significance
People of color have long been victims of racism. Racism affects them throughout their lives. People of color, for example, have been the victims of police brutality. According to one study, they account for 23% of those killed by police officers. This incident has left this group of people traumatized and terrified. However, the situation has been more difficult for women of color. They face prejudice not only because of their race but also because of their gender. They have always been the victims, and society has ignored them. These women have experienced violence, sexual harassment, assault, and other unfortunate events that have resulted in various mental health issues, including discrimination against their race and gender; women of color have a higher rate of depression than other groups and gender.
1 Intervention Approaches
Individual Level Interventions
One program that may address the mental health difficulties of women of color is raising awareness of various mental health issues and teaching them to be self-aware. This will help women cope with such problems and not feel ashamed of sharing or going to the hospital to seek medical assistance.
Interpersonal Level Interventions
There needs to be a program where locals help women of color who are experiencing mental health problems by offering them social assistance. Through transferring physical or psychosocial resources, social support refers to the process of social interaction in partnerships that enhances the sense of identity, coping, and self-worth. Those who struggle with mental health concerns can get social support to aid them. Some of the people who can be there to offer support include religious leaders, local leaders, family members, and health practitioners, among others.
Community Level Interventions
Helplines in the community can assist women in dealing with whatever they are feeling. For instance, they can call when they need help or report a serious case requiring serious medical attention.
2 Outcomes.
Some of the outcomes of these interventions include increased awareness of mental health, such that women visit mental health institutions for assistance with their deteriorating conditions. Overall, this means that women are self-aware. The second outcome is that women of color in the ...
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