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The Green Africa Youth Organization or GAYO

Essay Instructions:

Do not use the example like: Totnes Transition Town、 Mondragon 、Evergreen Cooperatives、Antigonish Movement、Recuperated Factories of Argentina
CED is about people in communities taking the lead in their own economic development. Given the recent reports from the IPCC, environmental concerns are increasingly being included in CED activities. Our first case study, Transition Town Totnes, demonstrated one such community-driven effort that is based on a concern for the environment. Find an example of an environmentally-centred CED initiative that inspires you. Briefly explain
what the initiative is, who is behind it, what its environmental dimension is and how it exemplifies a CED approach. Your example should a) be community-lead and b) have an economic component.
You can find examples by exploring online. Some aids for finding examples are below.
You cannot use an example or case we explored in class.
Make sure to cite sources in a footnote.
Word Limit: 500 words
IPCC report:https://www(dot)ipcc(dot)ch/report/ar6/wg3/
But Social Canada: https://www(dot)buysocialcanada(dot)com/directories/certified-social-enterprises
Social Enterprise UK: https://directory(dot)socialenterprise(dot)org(dot)uk/seuk-members/
B-Corps: Leaders: https://www(dot)bcorporation(dot)net/en-us/best-for-the-world

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Community Economic Development
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Community Economic Development: Green Africa Youth Organization
What is the Initiative?
The Green Africa Youth Organization or GAYO is a youth-led initiative that focuses on environmental sustainability and community development. The initiative was founded in 2014 and has dedicated its efforts to helping to promote awareness and interest in environmental sustainability in Ghana. The group recognizes that waste management has been a major challenge in Ghana and Africa and therefore seeks to bring about a difference in the approach to waste management. With Africa on an extensive urbanization effort, waste management is becoming incredibly difficult, and some cities are languishing in poverty and disorganization courtesy of poor waste management efforts. GAYO thus seeks to promote sustainable ways of dealing with waste as it seeks to promote or bring about development in communities around Ghana. Currently, the group is aiming to champion a zero-waste approach to waste management in Ghana and provides several advantages of such an approach, including job creation and the enhancement of the state of the environment.
Who is behind it?
GAYO is a youth-led initiative in Ghana. The initiative is led by six individuals who happen to be quite youthful and dedicated to improving the state of waste management in the country. Joshua Amponsem is the Executive Director, Desmond Alugnoa is the Program Coordinator, Sandra Delali-Kemeh is the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Advisor, Rhodalyn Tette is the Volunteer Coordinator, Justice Okai-Allotey is the Media and Communications Advisor, and lastly Dr. Michael Miyittah. This team of youthful individuals is driven by a deep desire to enhance the face of Ghana’s waste management system. GAYO is highly dependent on donors and often partners with the government agencies and other major sustainable development partners to help champion its agenda.[GAYO. (2022). Our Team. GAYO. Retrieved April 21, 2022, from https://greenafricayouth.com/who-we-are/team/]
Initiative’s environmental dimension?
As already indicated, GAYO’s main goal is environmental sustainability, and it seeks to achieve this through different initiatives, including the enhancement of the country’s waste management. An example of the group’s commitment to enhancing Ghana’s waste management system is the Zero Waste Strategy, which mainly entails a regenerative system. As per th...
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