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Principles of Sociology: US Criminal Justice System Reform

Essay Instructions:

Length: 1-2 pages double spaced (roughly 300-600 words)

Format: Times New Roman, 12-point font, normal margins

Today, many critics of the US criminal justice system say that it is in need of significant reform. Usually, these critics make at least one of the following arguments:

1) That far more people are incarcerated in the US than in any other country;

2) That incarceration is overwhelmingly targeted at certain groups, with class and race both major factors influencing one’s likelihood of going to prison.

3) That violence, conflict, and abuse are rife within prisons, while little is done to prepare inmates to re-enter society once their sentence is completed.

4) That after they leave prison, the formerly incarcerated are barred from important social institutions and public services, which further reinforces socio-economic inequalities and contributes to high rates of recidivism (or reoffending).

However, each of these points is controversial. Defenders of the current system argue that such criticisms are overblown or beside the point. They reject calls to lower the incarceration rate, and view efforts to reform the legal system as a recipe for lawlessness, violence, and societal breakdown – all of which are likely to disproportionately effect the most vulnerable in society.

In this assignment, I want you to tell me which side you agree with, and on which specific points. Are there some criticisms of the current system you share, but not others? If so, can you tell me why? Conversely, if you agree/disagree with each argument I mentioned here, please explain your position.

Finally, if you do want to reform the current system, can you point to one change you'd focus on first, and tell me why you think it's so important?

****Note: This exercise asks you for your opinion. There are no wrong answers. Different perspectives are not only welcomed, but encouraged. Just try to have a logical reason & evidence for whatever opinion you do express. 

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Principles of Sociology
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Principles of Sociology
The American criminal justice system faces various critics because of its approach to solving crimes. Many critics have expressed their concerns to show the negatives of the system. I agree that reforms are necessary to ensure that the stakeholders address the various drawbacks highlighted by the critics. For instance, I believe that the law of imprisonment targets specific racial groups considering their higher percentages in the prison populations than their overall national numbers. Evidence from Kovera (2019) explains that Black Americans and Hispanics remain highly targeted as they become implicated in crimes such as disobedience to road traffic rules which lead to their incarceration. In most cases, only these two racial groups are found guilty, unlike the whites.
I also agree that the approach to rehabilitation and reintegration into society is poor because of the high re-offending rates. Lack of proper guidance and counseling for prisoners as their jail term ends seems like the primary reason why many individuals go back to crimes. As Campbell and Vogel (2019) argue that failing to equip ex-convicts to face society after imprisonment properly is a disaster, as they will remain as before. This aspect arises as a common criticism of the United States criminal justice system. The system’s primary objective appears to be punishing individuals rather than changing them into reliable and responsible members of their society. These two critics need urgent reformations for the community to be safe and for fair justice to prevail.
There is some criticism of the current criminal system that I share more than others. For instance, I feel that the system has remained notably poor in assisting the released inmates in r...
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