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Social Sciences: Greece

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University Essay One
Different turning points have been experienced in Greece. One of the turning points was the 2012 elections, which marked a great change in Greek politics. The fall of dictatorship based on military power was another turning point experienced in 1974. This marked a significant change in the social well being of the Greeks. The battle of the marathon was a major turning point in the Greek-Persian war since with only 10,000 soldiers from Plataea and Athens; the Greeks were able to defeat the Persians. The arrest of Lavrentis Lavrentiadis is a turning point on the stand of the government on corruption. Lavrentiads had made 700 million Euros from loans linked with a criminal gang. In 1921, the Greeks experienced a major turning point when Greece declared war on Turkey. This led to displacement and loss of economic resources in the country. In 1924, Greece declared itself a republic and this marked a significant political turning point. This is because the country acquired sovereignty, which is important for self-governance. The period between 1946 and 1949 was a major turning point in the History of Greece. During this period, the Greek Civil War took place. The Greece government was assisted by the United States and the United Kingdom, which strengthened the relations between the three nations. The military junta of 1967 was a major turning point. It led to the rise of dictatorship in the country, which exposed the Greeks to suffering under brutal governance. In 1974, the military junta ended, which signifies a major turning point of delivering the Greeks into freedom.
Essay Two
There are several incidences associated with the Greece Economic Social Case. One of these incidences is the formation of European Union (EU) in which Greece is a member. Research shows that the levels of Group Membership in the European Union differ from one country to another among the member states. In this regard, Greece has the lowest level of group membership, which is at 8.9%. The second incidence in Greece Economic Social Case is the low level of social capital in the modern history of Greece. There is a significant positive relationship between social capital and GDP. In modern history, Greece has been faced by incidences of political instability and dictatorship. As such, the level of GDP has been low and hence social capital. On the other hand, the networks and norms in the country such as corruption have negatively affected social capital in the country. The other incidence evident in the Greece Economic Social Case is the event of arbitrary and authoritarian rules in addition to social and political wrangles in modern history. These aspects have affected social capital and economic growth levels in a negative manner. The other incidence in the case is the restitution of democracy, which occurred in 1974. This process incidence influenced growth in social capital but it has been affected adversely by the slow development in the civil society. The other incidence is the development of institutional imbalances after 1974, which has adversely affected economic growth and social empowerment. The recent global economic crisis has been experienced in Greece. This has affected economic growth and social empowerment in ...
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