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Good Explanations of Philosophical Theories

Essay Instructions:

Please go thru the instructors my professor provided and pick two out of the four files I've attached for the paper. Thank you

For the third writing assignment, you will practice constructing good explanations of philosophical theories. Please explain two theories from some of the pragmatist philosophers we’ve read this week (you can pick two theories from the same reading). The theories must come from the Peirce, James, or West readings. Your writing exercise should be 500 words total, 250 words to each explanation.

Here’s fairly standard model for a good explanation of a philosophical theory. Your explanations should follow the model, but feel free to innovate or tweak to your writing style).

-(1) Start by explaining the main point of the theory. Your explanation should be brief and informative. Aim for a 2-3 sentence paragraph.

-(2) Give an example that illustrates the main point really well. Get creative. Aim for a 3-5 sentence paragraph because you’ll want to explain the example.

-(3) Explain some of the author’s reasons for the theory. What answers the question “why does the author think their theory is true?”. One reason per paragraph. 3-5 sentence paragraphs for this exercise.

Here’s an example response for Hume’s idea that all of our interesting ideas are a posteriori or known without experience.

David Hume argues that all of our interesting thoughts are known a posteriori. Interesting thoughts are thoughts that are informative, meaning they tell us something we didn’t already know. Hume thought all of these thoughts were known on the basis of experience. The reasons we think the thought is true have to do with our experience.

To illustrate, according to Hume, my interesting thoughts that ‘war is bad’ or ‘the oceans are getting warmer’ or ‘PHIL 11 students are good writers’ are all known via experience (along with all of my other interesting thoughts). The reason I think they are true has to do with experience. I experience, in one way or another, that war is bad, that the oceans are getting warmer, or that PHIL 11 students are good writers, and so believe those thoughts to be true.

One reason Hume thinks his theory is true has to do with his account of human psychology. David Hume thinks that all of our thoughts come from experience. Even our complex imaginings of things we’ve never seen just break down into amalgamations of things we’ve experienced before. It follows that all of the reasons we have for thinking a thought is true would have to do with experience or come from experience, so Hume’s theory that our interesting thoughts are a posteriori is true.

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Good Explanations of Philosophical Theories.
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Good Explanations of Philosophical Theories.
Legg and Hookway argue that since its inception in the United States in the 1870s, Pragmatism has spread worldwide, serving as a viable third philosophical school alongside analytical and continental traditions. The pragmatic adage, a guideline for elucidating the interpretation of premises by tracking their operational ramifications for observation in specific contexts, was at the heart of Peirce's original conception of Pragmatism. One of the Maxim's most essential applications for Hookway and Legg was to explain the idea of truth.
For example, if an ideology or notion works well, it is true, according to Pragmatism, and its meaning may be discovered in its practical results. Unpractical ideas, on the other hand, should be discarded. In other terms, rather than focusing on abstract ideals, Pragmatism emphasizes the importance of using ideas as a springboard for action. Pragmatism, for example, is a way of thinking about teaching and learning that emphasizes the need to keep things grounded in reality. Project-based learning and an emphasis on relevant issues in students' lives are necessary.
The author thinks the theory is true because the pragmatist understands that the truth is subject to change. What is indisputable fact depending on what is currently feasible and producing outcomes. As per their discussion, they think it would be insufficient to teach pupils about things that may or may not be practical or reliable. As a result, people are encouraged to get out there and see what they can discover in this example.
William James writing in 1907, discusses some critical theoretical perspectives on philosophy and offers a definite ...
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