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Research Globalization and its Consequences for Societies

Essay Instructions:

This activity will enable you to •Understand the process of globalization and its consequences for societies, cultures, groups, and individuals.
•Provide a variety of perspectives on the different dimensions and complexity of globalization.
•Identify social arrangements interpreted as unjust and articulate the implications for social policy and action. (Sociology Major Outcome #4)
•Analyze international and global issues and problems and articulate how politics, cultural differences, economics, and religions may shape various perspectives and proposed solutions to these problems. (General Education Outcome #5)
The midterm exam consists of four (4) essay questions taken from Modules 1 - 4. Each essay should be between 250-500 words. The midterm exam should be completed during Module 4.
Before beginning the midterm, read the relevant chapters and lecture notes in Modules 1 - 4.
Answer Question 1 and any other 3 questions.
1.What are the four different perspectives on globalization? (Part II) Explain and give examples.
2.According to Wallerstein (Part II, Ch 6), why can capitalism only exist in a world economy? What role do strong states play in the world system? Why does it propagate universalist and anti-universalist principles? Does Wallerstein think the world system today still resembles that of the sixteenth century?
3.According to Huntington (Part I, Ch 5), what is new about world politics today? Does this image of a world embroiled in clashes of civilization contradict the conventional view that the globalization process creates new bonds across cultural boundaries? Does Huntington demonstrate that civilizations are now the primary forms of identity and organization in world society?
4.According to Bestor (Part III, Ch 13), how does the tuna trade exemplify key features of contemporary globalization? Why are tuna farms a kind of global enterprise? Does the globalization of sushi show that cultural differences are disappearing?
5.According to Milanovic and Collier inequality has changed a great deal in the last few decades. What specific income inequality trends do they each identify? According to Collier what has happened to the “Bottom Billion”? How could these countries and peoples be lifted up?
6.Strange (Part V, Ch 28) argues that rapid technological change and the extensive resources required for technological innovation force states to do the bidding of transnational corporations. Explain the logic of this argument while also showing how technological change can also work to the benefit of states.
Midterm exam constitutes 15% of the overall grade, and it should demonstrate understanding of assigned reading materials for Modules 1 - 4.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Globalization and its Consequences for Societies
Institutional Affiliation:
Globalization and its Consequences for Societies
Question 1
There are four different perspectives on globalization, dependent on the aims and objectives that follow their terms. When dealing with the economy, globalization can be termed as the merger between different nations when dependability on demand, supply, and manufacture, processing as well as availing of both goods and services are made possible despite the differences in currencies, geographical locations, resources and raw materials. The harmonization of trade, tariffs, the cooperation of the same and enabling of substantial establishments as per the markets, shares and interoperability from all economies. When discussing globalization from a social perspective, it is the association, interaction and exchange of various cultures based on the differences from one region, race or ethnicity to another (Fecht, 2012). The nature of life’s ways is integrated especially with those of influences like westernization into the others’ day to day functioning. It also affects the basis of living standards and association.
The third perspective is that of political effect. Globalization is due to the exchange of ideas and management of different nations’ affairs at all levels. The political systems and their functioning in individual countries are targeted by the others when trying to achieve a systematic approach to governance. In most cases, democracy has been identified as the global objective of being self- governing and means of ensuring prosperity. Thus, different nations take the cues from established democracies as a means of achieving better results. The fourth perceptive is that of communication and identity (Stulz, 2013). The latter perspective helps identify the people’s setting in their geographical locations when compared to other nations, especially when dealing with developed systems. Influences like technology, language use, integration, and interaction are all made possible through this perceptive when trying to achieve uniformity all round.
Question 6
Our lives are being shaken to the core by mechanical change, with the Fourth Industrial Revolution changing economies as never before. The extraordinary velocity of progress, and in addition the expansiveness and the profundity of numerous radical changes unleashed by new computerized, automated and 3D advances, is affecting what we deliver and do, how and where we do it and for sure how we acquire a living. Keeping in mind the change will continue contrastingly in cutting edge and creating parts of the world, no nation or business sector will be saved from the tsunami of change (Woo, 2011). To value the current progressions, two interrelated areas of the economy are especially illustrative: development and efficiency on one hand and occupation on the other. The bidding of transnational corporations becomes evident as innovation is required and staying afloat.
Profitability is the most crucial determinant of long haul development. However, efficiency development has stagnated the world over, especially since the considerable subsidence, putting into inquiry our capacity to give rise in expectations for everyday comforts to the world's natives. While contentions proliferate concerning what has been driving the efficiency stoppage, a critical inquiry is the means by which the Fourth Industrial Revolution will turn it in the years to come. It is imperative to reflect upon what this may mean for creating nations. Given that a large number of the past periods of the mechanical upheaval have not yet achieved a hefty portion of the world's subjects, changes abound (Woo, 2011). There are those who still do not have entry to power, tractors, and...
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