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Contributing Factors to Murder: Murderer, Rehabilitation

Essay Instructions:

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For this Assignment, select a convicted murderer. You also will write about this convicted murderer per the guidelines of your Final Project. Then consider any social, environmental, psychological, and biological factors that may have contributed to the convicted murderer’s behavior. 

Application: Contributing Factors to Murder

Determining what factors contributed to the murderer’s behavior for each specific case might be informative when deciding the most suitable way the offenders should be processed through the criminal justice system. Murderers might decide to kill for very different reasons, including but not limited to passion, anger, and greed. Murderers’ behaviors might be influenced by multiple environmental, psychological, and biological factors.

For this Assignment, select a convicted murderer. You also will write about this convicted murderer per the guidelines of your Final Project. Then consider any social, environmental, psychological, and/or biological factors that may have contributed to the convicted murderer’s behavior.

Note: This Assignment will be a part of your Final Project. You are required to incorporate Instructor feedback from this Assignment before submitting your Final Project in Week 11.

a brief description of the two murderers you selected. Then explain which murderer might be most amenable to rehabilitation and which might be least amenable to rehabilitation and why.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The murders perpetrated by Charles Manson, are a glimpse into the twist of proxy killings. This is a case that shed light onto the issue of manipulative psychopaths. From a young age, Manson is seen to have the habit of manipulating his peers to do his bidding. In the end this is an aspect that is then seen to manifest in his adult life and perfect ...
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