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Global Workplace: Obstacles and Opportunities

Essay Instructions:

Case study:

Headquartered in the United States, G2Q is a multinational company specializing in the commodification of water. In response to company shareholders’ demands for higher revenue, the company has adopted increasingly aggressive practices in its quest to acquire controlling rights to regional water resources around the globe. As part of that initiative, the company secretly proposed a profit-sharing agreement with some local leaders in a South Pacific location in exchange for the right to divert more surface and spring water to expand their bottled water production. This has resulted in local protests and work slowdowns at the local plant, which in turn decreased productivity and financial losses.

In an attempt to return to profitability, G2Q brought in managers from company headquarters to displace indigenous people previously hired in supervisory and leadership roles. None of the incoming managers speak the local language, and most complain about what they consider to be substandard living and working conditions.

Most of the employees are members of ethnic minorities from the host country with distinct differences in cultural norms and language preferences. For example, some behave as though they speak no English, while others refuse to make eye contact with managers. Still others appear to agree with everything managers say, then ignore their directions.

One former manager who quit, married a local, and lives in a nearby village has advised the incoming managers that “things are done differently over here” and cautions them against rushing to judgment. That presents a dilemma, as the company CEO has promised all managers a sizeable bonus if the plant regains its formerly profitable status within two years. Otherwise, the company will close down that location, firing the managers and leaving hundreds of people with little hope of finding other employment.


Your instructor may organize the class into groups for this activity. Keep all communication in your assigned group discussion area, and be prepared to engage with group members through the week. If no groups are designated, everyone is in the same group and you are responsible for negotiating the work assignments.

As a group, decide who’s responsible for the following, making sure that all topics are assigned:

-Cultural inequities

-In-group favoritism

By Wednesday, group members are to post a meaningful, original contribution (300-400 words) about their assigned topics to their group. The initial contribution should be a succinct yet well-supported analysis of the assigned topic, using the case study as context and synthesizing information and ideas from at least three properly cited scholarly sources. Organize your work properly in multiple paragraphs (just as you would a brief essay) and use correct APA citation format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Global Workplace: Obstacles and Opportunities Students Name Institutional Affiliation The employees of G2Q are responsible for the eradication of the cultural inequalities that exist within the company as a result of its location. Given the fact that the new managers are not conversant with the language of the natives, then it would be difficult for them to persuade the locals into accepting the new ways that will be installed in the company to ensure its profitability. Also, most of the employees are from the local community and therefore, they stand a better chance of making the necessary change within the company to prevent its closure which could, in turn, result in their loss of jobs. This change can be brought about by holding meetings to discuss the new plan of doing business and evaluate its advantages and disadvantages for them to come up with a decision that favors both the employees and the owners of the company. Cultural inequality has turned out to be a major challenge, especially in the case of multinational companies (Holmes, 2017). People from different cultures across the world have different ways of doing business and therefore, in whatever ways that work well in certain parts might not be applicable in other parts of the world. However, the management of G2Q stands a better chance to understand the best interest of the company because it is already operating at a loss in the native culture. This is an indication that trying out a new culture within the organization would be worth the effort (Kim, 2016). Therefore, the managers do not need to enforce the new methods of doing business but should rather talk to the natives to come up with a solution that would eradicate the losses being made by the company. As well, the managers are also responsible for the in-group-favori...
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