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Myers Briggs Personality Type Assignment

Essay Instructions:

My personality type is ESFJ and the description of it

Read the description of your personality type carefully. Then, prepare a reflection paper of 800 words that outlines your reaction to the information about your MBI type.


1) Is the information you received through this assessment consistent with your self perception?

Why / Why not ?

2) Is it consistent with feedback you have received about yourself in the past?

Yes/No Explain

I usually receive feedback from others about I'm warm and care about others. and you can write about my sympathy and willingness to help others.

3) Describe at least two specific situations you have experienced that would support the learning you received from this instrument.

4) What unique contribution do you think you will be able to make to your team based on the information you have received through this assessment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Myers Briggs Personality Type Assignment Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name January 25, 2019 Introduction It is well-known that skill, experience, and knowledge are some of the most important aspects when it comes to management. These skills allow a leader to deal with the different situations effectively and objectively. However, what is not well-known is that personality poses another critical aspect in the same field. A person’s innate personality could influence how he deals with others, as well as how he deals with the different issues of daily life. In line with this, this article would focus on the importance of personality in management. Particularly, my personality type – ESFJ or Extraverted Feeling Sensing Judging – would be analyzed as to its innate traits, and how do these traits relate to and affect the bigger organization. All in all, I believe that this knowledge of my personality type could help in providing an objective judgment as to how I could manage an organization more effectively. The Caregiver In the Myers Briggs typology, ESFJs are also known as The Caregivers. This is because their energies (or modes of living) are focused externally and that they “deal with things according to how they feel about them” (PersonalityPage.com, n.d.). In my life, I also tend to interact with other people all the time. It is like that there’s a surging feeling of excitement whenever I try to deal and work (and sometimes argue) with other people. However, what makes my personality more obvious is the fact that as compared to my friends, I tend to be ‘outgoing,’ as I am usually the one who plans and initiates our night outs together. Although these are characteristics which I discovered early in life, what surprised me was the description provided for people with an ESFJ type of personality. As according to PersonalityPage.com (n.d.), ESFJs are good at “bringing out the best in others.” Although this is undoubtedly a trait that I must be proud of, I do not think that I can remember a time when I was able to do so. Another personality trait that seems to resonate with me is the fact that ESFJs “takes their responsibilities very seriously, and is very dependable.” In the previous assignments that we had, there are many people who said that I am a dependable person. There are even some who think that my tendency to become very focused at ...
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