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Gender Issues in Animal Agriculture

Essay Instructions:

*Information below contains a properly formatted reference for each of the three papers you are required to use for this paper. If you wish, you may use additional references beyond the three references that are required for this assignment. Assignment Description The primary objective of this paper is for you to learn more about gender issues in animal agriculture, particularly in developing countries. You will review three FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) papers and answer the prompts below.  Your paper should focus on effectively paraphrasing and summarizing the information  The best papers will provide a clear description of gender-related issues in animal agriculture Part 1: 200 words Required reference for this section: Distefano, F. (2013). Understanding and Integrating Gender Issues into Livestock Projects and Programmes. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. http://www.fao.org/3/i3216e/i3216e.pdf The information you need is on pages 5-19 (as numbered in the document). Read the recommended pages, and describe the following:  The primary role women often have with regard to the nutritional status of the household  The particular constraints that are faced by women  The typical roles and responsibilities assigned to women  How their work burden impacts the access of women to educational and training opportunities  Why women frequently have poorer access to markets than men Part 2: 300 words Required reference for this section: Kryger, K.N., Thomsen, K.A., Whyte, M.A., and Dissing, M. (2010) Smallholder Poultry Production – Livelihoods, Food Security and Sociocultural Significance. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. http://www.fao.org/3/al674e/al674e00.pdf The information you need is on pages 43-50 (as numbered in the document). Read the recommended pages, and describe the following:  Contrast the primary roles of women (and children) and men in smallholder poultry production o In general, what are some ways the roles (responsibilities) vary across regions? Due 7/12 (11:59 p.m) (25 pts) Required headings  Name and title  Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  References* 1.5 or 2.0 line spacing 1,000 words (not including titles, headings, or the reference section) Submit in Word (doc or docx) Must submit on Canvas  Describe 3 reasons why smallholder poultry responsibilities largely reside with women  Describe the opportunities and barriers associated with marketing  Describe how women often use money obtained from smallholder poultry systems, and the impact their expenditures might have on themselves, their families, and their communities  Briefly summarize the impact of poultry projects on economic empowerment and increasing social capital for women Part 3: 300 words Required reference for this section: Kohler-Rollefson, I. (2012). Invisible Guardians: Women Manage Livestock Diversity. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. http://www.fao.org/docrep/016/i3018e/i3018e00.pdf Write a general summary of one of the following sections, highlighting the main points, and including anything you found interesting or surprising. Sections from which you may choose (write about ONE of these sections):  Women as livestock keepers: pages 5-13 (as numbered in the document)  Gender issues around livestock: pages 15-22 (as numbered in the document)  Women as managers of livestock diversity: pages 25-36 (as numbered in the document)  Livestock keeping in transition: pages 38-42 (as numbered in the document) Part 4: Reaction and Opinion - 200 words In this section:  Provide your overall impression of the readings (each member can contribute, or the group can submit a single response).  Describe whether you think animal agriculture endeavors (particularly in developing countries) are beneficial for women, their families, and their communities. o If so, why? If not, why not? Rubric – Gender Issues in Animal Agriculture Assignment Use this rubric in preparing your assignment. Section Competent/Proficient Developing Missing/Insufficient Part 1: addresses the prompts 4-5 1-4 0-1 Part 2: addresses the prompts 4-5 1-4 0-1 Part 3: addresses the prompts 4-5 1-4 0-1 Part 4: addresses the prompts 4-5 1-4 0-1 Word count (not including titles, headings, or the reference section) 4 Meets all parts 2-3 Meets 2-3 parts 0-1 Meets 0-1 parts Grammar, spelling, punctuation, format (follow the required format) 1 0-1 0 Total Points 21-25

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Animal Agriculture
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Part 1
In rural settings where traditional tenets are still profoundly adhered to, different roles are defined by gender. In this regard, a key role of women in many households, if not all, regarding nutritional value is managing meals (Distefano, 2013). This, in essence, means that it is mainly incumbent upon women to decide what meals their families will have at a particular time. It behooves them not only to ensure that their households eat but that they eat a balanced diet.
While discharging their responsibilities, women face several constraints that potentially impede them from reaching their full potential, especially in the agricultural sector. Some of these constraints include difficulties accessing natural resources, extension services, marketing opportunities, and financial services. More often than not, these constraints result in the failure to achieve general food security and nutrition in their respective households.
Some typical roles and responsibilities delegated to women include childbearing, child-rearing, and doing household chores. In addition, they engage in paid labor activities to earn some wages (Distefano, 2013). Women also undertake household farming activities such as managing livestock.
Traditionally, most of the housework is done by women, which consumes so much of their time. As such, they can seldom get the time to attend training and extension services. Further, some communities observe stifling traditional tenets which curtail women's movements. Women also have poorer access to markets than men because most are illiterate. This results in poor marketing skills. In addition, some traditional customs deprive them of the freedom to freely leave their homes.
Part 2
In developing countries, women and children, as well as men, perform similar duties in smallholder poultry production. This is regardless of whether they are in Africa, Asia, or Latin America. The most common women's and children's roles include daily poultry management, such as feeding and watering the birds and cleaning their dwellings (Kryger et al., 2010). They also administer treatments when need be. On the other hand, men undertake to build the animals' dwellings, and in some communities, they take the birds and eggs to the market. However, the responsibilities tend to change in proportion to the production intensity. This means that when the production changes from a small scale to a medium one, the roles of men get enhanced. On the flip side, those of women and children decrease respectively.
Several factors determine why women undertake most smallholder poultry responsibilities. One of the reasons why poultry-keeping largely remains a woman's domain is that the undertaking requires little investment of money and time. This is because the birds they keep can be allowed to scavenge for food during the day, requiring very little attention. Secondly, since poultry is kept on the homestead, it becomes a convenient undertaking for women who, as a general rule, usually remain at home (Kryger et al., 2010). Thirdly, in communities where women are not freely allowed to leave their homes, this becomes an income-generating pastime.
One of the opportunities associated with marketing is that birds fetch relatively reasonable prices when no intermediaries are involved. In this regard, many women prefer to sell them in nearby markets. They also prefer selling the birds and eggs because it allows them to manage their money without interference from their husbands. However, they mostly encounter barriers when the markets are far off and have...
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