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Gender Inequality and Sexism: Theories and Solutions

Essay Instructions:

This is an analytical paper that needs you to find the social problems and provide the possible solutions and ideas to these gender inequality and sexism problems. gIve examples and stay focused on the topic. Please avoid plagiarism and pls use one idea per paragraph. Mention some theories and explain. E.g Feminist theories, functionalists etc pls message me if you have questions. sources must include at least one book. Thank you.

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Gender Inequality and Sexism
Gender Inequality and Sexism
Gender inequality still remains rampant in the world of today especially in the developing countries. In this case, gender inequality refers to the unequal treatment of individuals or their perception being based on their gender. Moreover, gender inequality has been as a result of differences in mind, socially or even hormonal differences. Through gender inequality, there has been an unfair treatment among all individuals in the society and hence making others to lag behind economically due to them being marginalized in terms of gender. In addition, as a result of gender inequality in the society, sexism has also been on the rise in many countries. In this case, for example, there have been perceptions across the world that has been based on gender. Men make better politicians or executives than women. Therefore, it has been because of these reasons that there has been no equality in terms of gender and even political positions being shared more on men and women grasping a smaller portion (Blau & Gielen, 2012). This paper is grounded on the concept of gender inequality and sexism problems that are encountered in the society and the possible solutions to the same.
One of the social problems that arise in the society as a result of gender inequality and sexism is the inequality in the labor market. In this regard, inequality in the labor market refers to the unequal treatment in giving jobs to individuals despite the fact that they have the same professional qualifications. In addition, in the labor market, both men and women have been discriminated against their gender. This has been as a result of the perceptions that people have on a certain gender towards that job in particular. For instance, it might be thought that women are may be better in performing the duties of being a secretary than men would. On the other hand, there have been also some other jobs that have sidelined women due to perceptions in the mind of people that men do perform well in that kind of job than women. In the labor market, for example, big positions in the government have been always in favor of men (Blau & Gielen, 2012). Therefore, this has become a social problem that has been eating up the society and therefore hindering developments in most developing countries. One of the solutions to such a problem is by the authorities imposing laws that outline how equality should be manifested in the labor market and people getting equal opportunities. In addition, civil groups should always be on the lead in criticism of gender inequality and sexism in our societies in order to reduce these problems.
Gender inequality problems has bee also a problem in marriage and relationships. According to Freud it is biology that determines gender identity with the mother or the father. In this case, parents interacted differently with children based on their gender and therefore instilling different characters in their children. In addition, in many marriages, men have been given the sole mandate of leading the ...
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