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Gender and Biomedicine: How to Better Protect Transgender in China

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Description: For the final paper, you have two choices:

  1. Select and research a topic related to gender and biomedicine not covered in this course (including but not limited to a different country, part of the US, expression of or relationship to gender or aspect of biomedicine). Use course readings from two different weeks of the course to analyze your topic.
  2. Write a short story or piece of speculative fiction that images a different social construction of and relationship between gender and biomedicine (see for example, Ursula LeGuin’s The Left Hand of Darkness). Use course readings from two different weeks of the course to analyze your speculative piece (the analysis should be at least 2 pages of your final paper). 
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How to Better Protect Transgender in China
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How to Better Protect Transgender in China
Everyone has a different way of comprehending or relating to various gender identities. How people discuss and describe gender characteristics are essential, and they continue to change. Eventually, society understands that numerous individuals have intersecting personalities. According to Simmons and White (2014), several people reclaim or claim new labels or terminologies with different meanings. Hence, individuals must respect other people’s identities and their changing nature to bind societies. Simmons and White assert that “the best way to make change is to assume less and ask more” (22). Sometimes, people disagree on definitions and terminologies such as transgender. These individuals describe and redefine themselves and continue to argue within their groups. Such conflicts result in an understanding that eventually encourages healthy discussions. Therefore, there are several ways that people can use to protect transgender in China better.
Transgender people should go to court to demand their rights while the legislature drafts bills for debate to support these individuals' rights. Saria (2019) posits that in India, significant debates acknowledging transgender individuals and their rights continue in parliament and courts. The bills and courts' judgments aim to protect transgender people's rights to citizenship benefits such as health and education. Although there are gaps in court judgments and differences between those rulings and the bills' restatements, they all ensure that they change transgender groups into reasonable and enumerated people. Nevertheless, these enactments are silent on transgender people's sexuality and might not want lesbians and gay individuals to develop an interest in transgender people (Saria, 2019). This behavior of the law portrays increased nationalization of transgender individuals by forcing governmental membership's terms and conditions upon them. The discussions in parliament and court cases demonstrate that this population’s legibility depends on encouraging doctors’ ambitions towards clear biology through sex reassignment surgeries. It is also clear that governments continue to consider transgender people in their political calculations, which makes these individuals vulnerable to the nation’s disciplinary powers just like any other person. However, to protect transgender individuals from these vulnerabilities, China’s parliamentarians should introduce the “Rights of Transgender Persons Bill” as a private member’s bill for discussion. The debate might result in transgender people disassociating themselves from nationalization, better protecting them.
Unfortunately, China’s judicial laws may not recognize transgender identities, which is dangerous because it might make this group not legally exist. Transgender individuals might not express their gender identity to other people the same way they do when they are alone. Many of these individuals wish to have permanent social transitions, although they love wearing gender-neutral clothes and want to talk with male pitches with allies and parents (Yanet al., 2019). Furthermore, transgender people love maintaining gender-neutral appearances in public, but with other transgender individuals or their partners, they dress and behave femininely. Interestingly, their public restrooms’ choice depends on their gender expression at that time. According to Yan et al. (2019), most transgender people would want to reveal their gender identities to friends and parents. However, the group might not want to disclose their gender identities to health practitioners, other relatives, and municipal authorities. Yan et al. (2019) assert that transgender people like disclosing their identities online in a confidential manner using profile names that are not real. The primary reason for hiding gender identities could be that transgender individuals face legal challenges in changing their national identification documents. Furthermore, this group lacks social and family support, as these two might be rejecting and verbally abusing them. In short, judicial laws that recognize transgender identities might help these people feel legally represented, hence open up regarding their gender identities.
China should strengthen its institutions, such as the criminal justice or police force to help transgender people enjoy their lives. The reason here is that among the groups that mistreat transgender sex workers are the police, who practice violence on them just like their customers. However, Tsang (2020) asserts that experts approximate that more than 45% of violence cases are from intimate allies. Surprisingly, abusing transgender sex workers by isolating and shaming them fuels their marginalization, stopping them from seeking assistance through proper channels such as counselors and the police. China knows little about intimate lover violence, which involves transgender sex workers and their allies (Tsang, 2020). Therefore, there might be a lot of stigma and homophobia that disadvantage transgender sex workers, with the country’s authority structure silently supporting the abuse of their rights. For this reason, these sex workers develop survival tactics by relying on informal networks with their colleagues. Their mates are essential as they advise and support them emotionally, helping combat intimate partner violence better than the criminal justice (Tsang, 2020). China needs to address intimate lovers’ violence as it leads to the poor relationship between human immunodeficiency virus infections, emotional stability, and employment matters. Intimate partner violence might have high rates of harassment, suicide, and self-harm. Therefore, China should recognize this group, like the male and female categories, to make its police force respect and protect them.
China needs to enhance the safety and security of transgender individuals because the prominent transgender people’s rights problem is the lack of enough protection. The government’s non-discriminatory criminal recommendations hardly protect transgender individuals based on gender expression and identity. Saranya et al. (n.d.) claim that criminals kill many transgender individuals every year, while some places in the world treat gender disparity as a crime. Moreover, society discriminates against these people by, for example, denying them the right to use public bathrooms or restrooms. Some deliberately exclude transgender people from certain activities, while others use wrong gender pronouns or ask them offensive questions to hurt them. Surprisingly, even in America, citizens discriminate against transgender people. According to Saranya et al. (n.d.), in the U.S., people discriminate against about 20% of transgender individuals for getting nice houses when looking for a home. Furthermore, the citizens evict about 10% of transgender couples from their homes. This discrimination against capable transgender home buyers or renters can lead to sex abuse, a crime under any Housing Act. Moreover, transgender individuals struggle to get the right medicines because of misunderstandings and prejudice between them and health workers. This inequity can lead to mental anxiety, hence making transgender people feel astonished and confused about whether the doctors discriminate against them because of gender expression or identification. Therefore, the government should provide safety and security to these individuals to avoid the unfortunate discrimination resulting from health workers’ misunderstanding and evicting transgender individuals from their houses, leaving them homeless.
Parents must continuously support and motivate their transgender kids because encouragement improves their self-confidence. Parents should love their k...
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